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摘要:研究中,採用「六標準差」(Six Sigma)方法的DMAIC管理步驟流程作為研究執行的依據,藉由市場調查、狩野(Kano)二維問卷[1]、品質機能展開(quality function deployment, QFD)[2]、競爭對手分析及專利佈局來分析現有技術並擬定研發方向,來開發結構熱平衡相關技術。在技術研發過程中,在機體同溫技術的冷卻模組開發,應用可靠度工程[3]手法導入設計來提昇冷卻模組的平均失效時間(mean time between failures, MTBF);在載具開發上,利用田口實驗方法的直交表配合[4]有限元素法及多變數迴歸分析找出最佳的冷卻流道及冷卻條件並在載具產出後的相關實驗解析;經由品質工具的導入,將機體同溫技術由技術指標±0.5℃增進至±0.36℃,效能提昇23%。
Abstract: The research adopted the DMAIC management flow of design for six sigma method as the foundation. With the help of market research, two dimensional Kano, FAHP, QFD, competitor analysis, and patent portfolio, the existing technologies and the direction of the research were analyzed and planned respectively. In the technology development process, the reliability engineering was applied to enhance the mean time between failures, aka MTBF, of the cooling module for structure thermal control. Using the Taguchi experimental method along with the finite element method and multivariate regression analysis, the best cooling channels and conditions were resolved. Furthermore, the fault tree analysis was used to identify the failure events and sources to improve the system reliability. Through the use of these quality practices, the thermal control indicator was improved from ±0.5°C to ±0.36°C, which was 23% better. Two related patents were filed, and technical reports for structure thermal control were issued.
Keywords:Quality Function Deployment, QFD, Six Sigma, Reliability Engineering, Taguchi Method, Mean Time Between Failures, MTBF
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2016年03月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)