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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 何筱晨、廖建智、王嘉霈
Abstract: The objective of virtual machine tool technology is to predict the cutting performance before the production. The general method is to analyze the machining process and define a target reasonable cutting performance in the early stage of the design process. Then the virtual machine tool design process followed by a stability simulation is carried out to determine if the structural topology is optimized. In order to predict the cutting performance correctly, the accuracy of analysis should be revised and enhanced. The accuracy of finite element analysis is affected by many factors including the finite element model of each casting, contact behavior of each interface and foot characteristics. Assembly interface stiffness plays an important role in the analysis. It is generally overlooked by regarding it as a constant. However, the assembly interface stuffiness follows random distribution. In this paper, effect of interface characteristics on cutting performance is investigated. The finite element model of the system is constructed considering the randomness of assembly interface stiffness. Thus the cutting performance could be predicted more precisely.
Keywords:Virtual Machine, Topology Optimization, Reliability
目前工具機的設計開發流程,仍必須憑藉大量的傳統經驗來進行機台結構的設計,設計者往往在沒有十足的把握下,為了確保剛性而有機台結構過強或過重的過度設計,另一方面設計出來的機台是否能真正符合需求,仍必須靠實際切削測試才能確定,故以傳統的方式設計機台所需耗費之成本與承擔之風險是相當大的。新一代的虛擬工具機設計概念,是希望機台在設計階段就能先預知機台的切削能力[5-6],而代表機台切削能力的指標即是顫振穩定性圖(chatter stability lobes),1956年Tobias等人[1]提出顫振穩定性圖的觀念,並開始研究切削顫振與切削轉速的相互關係,1995後Altintas及Budak [2-4]進行一系列研究,運用銑削穩定模組,可分析預測銑削過程的加工穩定性,若顫振穩態圖預測正確,於某特定主軸轉速下,能大幅的增加材料的移除率,顫振穩定性圖以主軸轉速為橫座標,切削深度為縱座標來表示工具機切削的極限穩定曲線,曲線以下為加工穩定區域,曲線以上為加工不穩定區域,如圖1所示,又在此顫振穩定性圖上沿著最低切深定義一直線即為此工具機台之臨界切深,即若機台操作在此切深內無論轉速為何一定不會發生顫振,故可定義此臨界切深為工具機台之目標切削能力。
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