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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 林穎毅
Abstract: At year 2015, the total revenue of Taiwan optoelectronic industry is $1,913.3 billion NTD, which is 8% drop from previous year 2014 ( $2,784 billion NTD). The revenue of approximately 2000 billion NTD is equivalent to $60 billion USD, which accounts for 10% market share in optoelectronics of the entire world -- a 2% drop on market share compared to the previous year. The revenue decline of Taiwan optoelectronic industry is caused by the following factors: economic downturn, product lifecycle, competition from other countries, and lack of technology breakthrough. It is likely that the revenue will remain in $60 billion USD in the next three years. Taiwan optoelectronic industry must continue to renovate and develop new optoelectronic technologies, including materials and process equipment. In addition to that, the applications will need to extend to the fields of Internet of Things, defense and security, smart and green energy, and healthcare to trigger another wave of product life cycle.
Keywords:Flat Panel Display, FPD, Automotive Photonics, Liquid Crystal Display, LCD, LiDAR, LED, HUD, Photovoltaic, PV, CMOS Image Sensor, Taiwan Photonics Industry, LASER Application
雖然2015年全球經濟不甚景氣,但在幾個趨勢之下,一些光電領域仍有所成長,依次有太陽光電(16%)、影像感測器(10%)、光通訊(8%),以及LED暨照明應用(8%)等領域。這幾個趨勢說明如下:(1)全球太陽光電系統穩定布建,使得太陽光電產業自2013年谷底之後逐漸回升、(2)影像感測器乃受到工業4.0 (Industry 4.0)所需的機器人視覺,以及自動駕駛(Smart Car)等激勵而也有不錯的成長性、(3)全球光纖到家、雲端服務使得光通訊領域穩定成長、(4)全球LED照明的滲透率持續提升(雖然不一定有獲利),掩飾了LED封裝產值萎縮(-9%)的窘境。未來幾年各領域的成長性預估如圖2所示。
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