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摘要:影像感應器(CMOS image sensor, CIS)已成為日常生活中,不可缺少的一部份,從手機相機、網路攝影機、數位相機、行車記錄器到保全監控系統等。未來的物聯網(internet of things, IoT)及先進駕駛輔助系統 (automotive advanced driver assistance systems, ADAS)更是扮演極為重要的角色。因應IoT及ADAS的發展來看,相機需要具備微型化、薄型化及低價化等特性,因此,晶圓級光學(wafer level optics, WLO)之技術也隨之孕育而生。本文將以專利分析的角度,來探討目前全球大廠晶圓級光學透鏡專利的發展,及未來技術策略佈局的趨勢。
Abstract: Image sensor (CMOS image sensor, CIS) has become an indispensable part of our daily life, from phone cameras, web cameras, digital cameras, event data recorder and surveillance video camera. Further, IoT (internet of things) and ADAS (automotive advanced driver assistance systems) play a very important role in the future. In response to the development of IoT and ADAS, the camera module must meet the requirement of miniaturization, thin and cost reduction. Therefore, the technology of WLO (wafer-level optics) comes up accordingly. This article will use patent analysis to study the patent development of wafer-level optics in global manufacturers. In addition, the trends of the technological strategy will also be discussed.
Keywords:Wafer Level Optics, Patent Analysis, Lens
CMOS影像感應器(CMOS image sensor, CIS)已成為日常生活中,不可缺少的一部份,從手機照相模組、網路攝影機、數位相機、行車記錄到車道辨識、攝影機到保全監控系統等,都有其相關應用,未來仍會有新市場的開發,例如醫療、穿戴式裝置、虛擬實境及擴增實境等。圖1為2015年全球行動裝置CIS市場分析,由圖中可看到在行動裝置多元化應用之下,除了傳統相機模組需求持續上升之外,因應未來物聯網(internet of things, IoT)及先進駕駛輔助系統(automotive advanced driver assistance systems, ADAS)的需求,微型相機模組(smartphones sub)將會是各家大廠積極爭取的兵家必爭之地。就IoT及ADAS的發展來看,相機模組需要具備微型化、薄型化及低價化等特性,因此,晶圓級光學(wafer level optics, WLO)之技術也隨之孕育而生。從目前的相機模組結構來劃分,可分成鏡頭元件(lens)、音圈馬達(voice coil motor, VCM)及CMOS影像感測器。而晶圓級光學技術的發展目的就是將現有的相機模組,以晶圓級的方式進行製造及生產,即以「陣列式」的概念進行大量生產、製造及組裝。
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