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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 邱慶龍、黃楹鈞
Abstract:With the sponsorship from Governmental projects, the Taiwan's laser industry has begun to thrive. During the four years of the Laser Valley project, activities such as exhibitions, forums and results announcements have led the industry to pay attention to laser processes and attract more than 150 companies to incorporate laser technology into their processes. The international laser industry is growing, and in order to catch up with international footsteps and promote industrial upgrading, Taiwan’s manufacturing industry not only needs to actively involve the Industrial 4.0 and intelligent automation, but also needs to replace part of the time-consuming, dangerous, and low precision traditional process by laser technology. This article describes the international laser industry trends, the current promotion status of the domestic laser industry, and future research and development direction. We hope to attract more companies to incorporate the laser technology into their production line and enhance industrial competitiveness.
1.1 全球雷射市場
雷射市場自從2008年金融海嘯以後,平均每年以4.6%左右成長,2016年全球雷射源產值已經超過100億美元,國際雷射專業權威Strategies Unlimited預估2017年全球雷射源產業將會到達110億美元的產值,如圖1[1]。
從加工用雷射源的應用大約佔雷射源整體應用的30~35%,雷射加工應用已經是雷射最大的應用之一,而在雷射加工應用領域內,金屬大功率加工(metal macro processing; >1 kW)佔有率約4.6成,是雷射源最大的應用領域。
1.2 國際雷射產業狀況
全球經濟成長持續受到全球市場趨緩及歐洲難民潮/恐攻與貨幣變動等各種問題的影響,使得主要工業國家的年度GDP成長率持續表現低迷,進而影響到目前全球主要的製造業整體環境成長緩慢。但是全球雷射市場分析指標公司STRATEGIES UNLIMITED分析,雖然中國的內需市場仍然持續拉動大功率雷射源的出貨,影響全球大功率雷射源製造公司的成長,如創浦(TRUMPF)、IPG等等,特別是光纖雷射。
資料來源:Laser Focus World,2017/Jan.
圖1 全球雷射源產值
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