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摘要:本研究提出一款新型非接觸式光學量測系統,用於雷射源微型精密構裝線性位移平台六自由度誤差量測,相較於市售光學量測儀器,如雷射干涉儀與自動視準儀等,此量測系統具有同時量測線性軸六自由度誤差和低成本的優勢。整體量測系統係由一個雷射源、兩個立方體分光鏡、兩個平面反射鏡及三個位置感測器所組成。利用歪斜光線追蹤理論與一階泰勒展開,建立當量測系統具有六自由度幾何誤差時的數學模型,最後建立實驗室雛型品,實驗結果顯示,本量測系統位移重複精度為±0.6 μm、角度重複精度為±0.2 arcsec,再搭配雷射干涉儀的實驗比對,實驗結果顯示整體量測系統精度在位移為±1 μm、角度為±0.2 arcsec,量測行程為6 mm。
Abstract:This study proposes a novel and simple measurement system for simultaneously measuring the six degree-of-freedom (DOF) geometric errors of linear stage of precision micro-package of laser source. Compared to the laser interferometers system and the laser Doppler system, the proposed measurement system has the advantage of lower cost and multi-function. The proposed measurement system is composed of an optics module constructed by two reflectors and two cube beam splitters, a sensing module formed with three two-dimensional position sensitive detectors (PSDs), and a Helium-Neon (He-Ne) laser. Using skew-ray tracing and first order Taylor series expansion, the six DOF geometric errors of the moving linear stage were analyzed when it had translational and rotational motion errors. A laboratory prototype system was built to validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed measurement system. The experimental results show that the displacement stability and the angular stability of the proposed measurement system are less than ±0.6 μm and ±0.2 arcsec, respectively. Compared with the Renishaw laser interferometer XL-80 laser system, the straightness accuracy and the angular accuracy of the proposed measurement system are less than ±1 μm and ±0.2 arcsec, respectively, when the fiber coupling stage travels 6 mm.
Keywords:Geometric Errors, Error Measurement, Laser Interferometer System
隨著製造科技不斷的進步,雷射源微型精密構裝、精密裝配機械製造業、自動化光學檢測(automated optical inspection, AOI)、半導體產業等是近年來相當具有市場潛力的產業,對於這些產業而言,高精度的線性位移平台扮演非常重要的角色,線性位移平台的幾何精度將直接影響生產設備如電腦數值控制工具機(computer numerical control, CNC)、三次元座標測量機( coordinate measuring machine, CMM)等的精度[1-3]。
圖1 六自由度幾何誤差
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