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Abstract:Driven by the trend of thin and light-weight electronics, flexible electronics have become the pursuit, and the key material is thin-flexible substrate. Because the substrate will be constructed in multilayer structure, the flexible substrate is susceptible to the mechanical stress induced by the traditional mechanical cutting. Also, the deformation during the cutting will resulted in cutting error or substrate tearing, which will affect the device performance. Therefore, cutting on flexible substrate has been an issue to overcome in flexible electronic industry. We believe that the advantage of laser as a non-contact cutting tool will be the trend for future production. This article focused on laser key technology applied in flexible-multilayer substrates. We hope to build a laser technology that can be applied to flexible substrate and assist Taiwanese flexible electronics industry to upgrade its technology and to improve its competence in the world.
Keywords:Flexible Electronics, Multilayer Structure, Laser Application
圖1 2010-2018年智慧手持裝置之市場預測
由於軟性電子係為將元件或材料建置在軟性或可彎曲基板上的技術,屬於複雜的多層結構(multilayer structure),當結構承受外力作用時,界面間的形變、黏附程度、透光率及導電性等問題隨之產生。傳統機械式切割製程,易受機械應力集中而造成定位誤差或面板變形,如此容易誤切面板與元件造成無法點亮或電路不導通的問題,因此,如何將軟性基板切割成型,將是未來軟性基板應用最重要的關鍵技術之一[5]。此外,現代軟性電子產品強調輕薄短小及可撓曲的趨勢下,製程精度的要求亦隨之嚴苛,導致產品良率的確保也受到嚴厲的考驗,因此,如何提高整體生產力亦成為目前業界非常重要的討論議題。
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