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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract:Recently, for the purposes of increasing the additional value of the machine tool and the development of the intelligence machinery in the industry, the in-process measurement technology is an important tendency. Applying the in-process measurement function into machining process can not only increase the productive efficiency, but also avoid introducing errors caused by replacing the workpiece repeatedly. The online measurement technology is well developed and tends to maturity by many different companies. In addition to control accuracy and reduce human mistakes during machining, the application of in-process measurement technology into intelligence machinery is important. In the article, the online measurement technology is introduced. Moreover, the development of applications of in-process measurement technology at the Intelligent Machinery Technology Center of Industrial Technology Research Institute is presented.
Keywords:In-Process Measurement、Intelligent Measurement
政府五大產業創新研發計畫之一的智慧機械產業推動方案,產業生態體系如圖1所示,要將中台灣打造成為「智慧機械之都」之推動策略,主要目的是將臺灣從精密機械升級為智慧機械,以創造就業並擴大整廠整線輸出,智慧機械也就是整合各種智慧技術元素,使其具備故障預測、精度補償、自動參數設定與自動排程等智慧化功能,並具備提供Total Solution及建立差異化競爭優勢之功能。其中的智慧量測如何讓量測更智慧是一個值得探討的議題,智慧量測技術在智慧機械產業扮演關鍵技術與不可或缺的要項,例如加工能力和加工品的規格最終檢驗設備為三次元量測儀(coordinate measuring machine, CMM),由於三次元量測儀在量測時在製造流程中所佔用的時間比例也較高,如何更有效率的減少量測時間與品質檢測的準確性是相當重要的,然而如何以系統整合來因應工具機產業高品質與低成本之要求,進一步地,模擬、偵測與控制等技術的實現與整合來達到智慧量測的目標,以及各種運用智慧量測情境實例,展望未來新型態的智慧量測的趨勢發展,可讓產業界更有效率的應用在實際案例上並提升國內產業競爭力。
圖1 智慧機械產業生態體系[1]
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