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摘要:為了達到無人駕駛智慧車輛的技術進階過程,車間通訊技術(vehicle-to-everything, V2X)快速升溫,各國政策之推行亦驅動V2X需求成長,2014年2月3日美國交通部國家公路交通安全管理局宣布正式啟動立法程序,並於8月18日發布法規制定預告(advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, ANPRM),屆時將強制小型車輛安裝車對車(vehicle-to-vehicle, V2V)通訊設備與系統,更於2016年12月13日發布法規制定通知(notice of proposed rulemaking, NPRM),將立法強制新小型車輛具備車對車通訊技術,預估2023年出廠輕型車輛車對車通訊技術普及率將達到100%,而其中安全與隱私議題特別受到重視,故美國交通部同步發展安全憑證管理系統以解決安全與隱私問題。歐盟於2016年11月30日在比利時布魯塞爾宣布C-ITS Strategy正式啟動,此策略為歐盟正式邁向cooperative, connected and automated mobility的初始里程碑,為2019年歐盟道路車輛能彼此並與交通基礎設施通訊。本研究主要以V2X通訊技術作為出發點,針對歐美亞政策發展近況、V2X發展與標準制定介紹,同時輔以國內目前V2X之整合應用之研發進行說明。

Abstract:To achieve autonomous cars, Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technology has been developing rapidly in the past few years. National policies have also promoted the growth of the need for V2X. On February 3, 2014, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) announced that it will begin taking steps to enable Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication technology for light vehicles. It also issued Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on August 18. Further on December 13, 2016, USDOT NHTSA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to mandate V2V communication technology for new light vehicles in the United States in the near future. The road map that the NPRM set is clear – 100% of all new cars will have Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) technology installed by 2023. However, concerns on security and privacy issues in V2V communications are raised. USDOT developed security credential management system for establishing trust among vehicles, which is necessary for safety applications based on V2V communications. On November 30, 2016, the European Commission has adopted an European Strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), a milestone initiative towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility. The objective of the C-ITS Strategy is to facilitate the convergence of investments and regulatory frameworks across the EU, in order to see deployment of mature C-ITS services in 2019 and beyond. Therefore, this study will take V2X communication technology as a starting point for policy developments in Europe and U.S., and will describe the V2X communication technology, applications, international standards, and developments in Taiwan. 


Keywords:Internet of Vehicles, Connected Vehicles, Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)

車聯網(internet of vehicles, IOV)把人、車、路、雲端平台串聯在一起,其運作原理是讓車輛彼此能夠「溝通」,並以服務創新模式導向,藉由汽車將人、車、油、貨、客、路況等無縫連結,如圖1所示,更可進一步進行大數據的管理和運用。為了強化行車安全,歐美採用車間通訊技術(vehicle-to-everything, V2X)通訊技術,並相繼立法推動車聯網應用與服務。車間通訊技術主要是為駕駛人提供預先警告可能發生的危險狀況,讓駕駛人提早採取因應措施,避免交通意外發生,車間通訊技術通訊技術包含六個層面: 汽車對汽車(vehicle-to-vehicle, V2V)、汽車對路側設備(vehicle-to-roadside, V2R)、汽車對基礎設施(vehicle-to-infrastructure, V2I)、汽車對行人(vehicle-to-pedestrian, V2P)、汽車對機車(vehicle-to-motorcycle, V2M),以及汽車對公車(vehicle-to-transit, V2T)。依據美國交通部國家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA)預估,在駕駛人保持清醒的前提下,車間通訊技術技術可避免高達80%的車禍發生率或減輕其嚴重程度[1]。因此在車間通訊技術通訊技術之輔助下,將能有效打造趨近零事故的交通環境。


更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2017年04月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)





