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- 機械工業雜誌
摘要:本文主要發展以FPGA為基礎之六軸關節型機械手臂伺服驅動控制系統。首先,將推導具有以永磁同步馬達為致動器之機械手臂數學模式。其次,在位置控制器採用模糊控制器以提高位置控制的穩健性。接著,以Altera公司發展具有可嵌入一顆軟核心Nios II處理器之FPGA晶片來開發六軸關節型機械手臂伺服驅動控制晶片。此晶片內含有兩個模組。第一個模組為Nios II處理器,以軟體方式來發展點對點運動軌跡規劃,而第二個模組,以數位硬體方式來實現六軸位置/速度/電流控制器。FPGA晶片由於具有快速的硬體運算能力、平行處理能力及軟硬體共同設計能力,因此極適合用來發展此六軸關節型機械手臂伺服驅動控制系統。最後,位置步級響應測試與點對點位置重現性測試,將用來評估所提控制系統的性能。
Abstract:An FPGA-based (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) servo drive controller system for a six-axis articulated robot manipulator is developed in this paper. Firstly, a mathematical model which combines the Robot manipulator structure and the actuator with PMSM is derived. Secondly, the position loop adopts fuzzy controller to increase the robustness of the controller performance. Next, an Altera FPGA chip and a Nios II embedded processor are used to develop the servo drive controller IC for the six-axis articulated Robot manipulator. The proposed controller IC has two modules. The first module is a Nios II embedded processor which is used to realize the point-to-point motion trajectory planning by software. The second module is used to realize the six-axis position/speed/current controller. Because FPGA has such advantages. As fast computation, parallel processing ability and software-hardware co-design, it is suitable to develop the six-axis articulated Robot manipulator servo drive controller system. Finally, the performance of the proposed servo drive controller system is evaluated through position step response test and the point-to-point position motion test.
Keywords:FPGA, Robotic Arms, Multi-Axis Servo Control Chip
目前工業機器人的多軸驅動器皆由一軸一個模組組成多軸控制。較少數使用多軸一體驅動器,因此本文利用FPGA實現多軸驅動器,藉以整合多軸伺服控制,包含位置、速度與電流迴路…等,藉以實現驅動器All in one,減少成本與體積,並由六軸機械手臂驗證定位精度,以確認多軸一體驅動器之有效性,並提升國內工業機器人的競爭力。
本文所提以FPGA為基礎建構之六軸關節型機械手臂伺服驅動控制系統如圖1所示。在圖1之FPGA晶片內包括兩個智財(IP),一個為Nios II處理器IP而另一個為六軸伺服控制IP。Nios II 處理器IP負責需彈性之程序且不需快速運算,例如點對點運動軌跡產生及動態性能響應資料收集等。六軸伺服控制IP負責6個伺服控制模組,而各模組將執行位置迴路之模糊控制器、速度迴路之PI控制器電路、電流迴路磁場導向控制器(field oriented control, FOC)與座標轉換電路、空間向量脈波調變電路(space vector pulse width modulation, SVPWM)及絕對式編碼器介面電路等功能,第i軸伺服控制器如圖2所示。因此六軸關節型機械手臂伺服控制器可在一顆FPGA內實現。
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