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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract:This work investigates a composite optical design with progressive refraction index and process technology to manufacture the films. The optical films with gradient refractive index were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering process. The optical constants and residual stress properties of the high and low refractive index materials were characterized. Processes with low absorption and low residual stress were used to prepare various single layer thin films, AlNxOy, and their optical constants and residual stress properties were analyzed. Optical filter with gradient refractive index was then prepared, and the optical filter has good optical characteristics and low residual stress value. An aluminum target was used as the starting material to prepare AlNxOy optical films, and the effects of sputtering power, the gas flow of nitrogen or oxygen, and other process parameters were discussed. Plasma feedback control method was used to monitor the aluminum oxide plasma process. We look forward to establishing the technology of gradient refraction optical filter to make light tablets generate better optical characteristics and with the low of residual stress.
Keywords:Gradient Refraction、Reaction Type Magnetron Sputter、Rugate Filter
傳統光學濾光片使用高低折射率膜堆疊的設計,需要有初始設計才有辦法得到與目標光譜相近的結果,新光學濾光薄膜製鍍方式可採用混合薄膜(composite film)的技術,除具有能改善單一材料的物理及化學特性外,亦能使用折射率漸變光學濾光片。在多層膜光學濾光片設計中,如以正弦函數分佈的混合膜設計取代傳統高折射率及低折射率材料結構,此種類型的帶止濾光片一般稱為皺波濾光片(rugate filter)[1-3],過去Southwell利用耦合波理論之型式,導出折射率變化若為一正弦函數如圖1,其數學公式如式(1)所示:
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2017年06月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)