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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 季宇文、黃昆平
摘要:電雙層電容器(electrical double-layer capacitors, EDLCs)受限於電壓不足(2.5~2.7 V在有機電解液系統)無法直接與鋰電池搭配。在此我們歸納出三個可以有效提升EDLCs電壓的三種策略。透過本文提出的策略,成長一電極材料具有安定且惰性的表面可以在商用電解液中耐受較大的電位窗。透過機械所自行開發的機台製作,直接垂直成長奈米石墨烯壁(graphene nanowalls, GNW)於基材上,並同步達成氮摻雜。此非對稱電雙層電容器可以達到4 V的電位窗並且比能量密度與比功率密度分別為52 Wh/kg和8 kW/kg。經過10000次充放電測試仍具有100%的電容維持率。此結果將有效降低EDLCs在高電壓模組中的串聯數並開啟了與鋰電池直接匹配可行性。
Abstract:Integrating various devices to achieve high-performance energy storage systems to satisfy various demands in modern societies becomes more and more important. Electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), one kind of the electrochemical capacitors, generally provide the merits of high charge−discharge rates, extremely long cycle life, and high efficiency in electricity capture/storage, leading to a desirable device of electricity management from portable electronics to hybrid vehicles or even smart grid application. However, the low cell voltage (2.5 - 2.7 V in organic liquid electrolytes) of EDLCs lacks the direct combination of Li-ion batteries (LIBs) and EDLCs for creating new functions in future applications without considering the issue of a relatively low energy density. Here we propose a guideline, “choosing a matching pair of electrode materials and electrolytes”, to effectively extend the cell voltage of EDLCs according to three general strategies. Based on the new strategy proposed in this work, materials with an inert surface enable to tolerate a wider potential window in commercially available organic electrolytes in comparison with activated carbons (ACs). The binder-free, vertically grown graphene nanowalls (GNW) and nitrogen-doped GNW (NGNW) was prepared using equipment developed by MMSL. This newly designed asymmetric EDLC (negative electrode use NGNW and positive electrode use GNW) exhibits a cell voltage of 4 V, specific energy of 52 Wh kg-1 and specific power of 8 kW kg-1 and ca. 100% retention after 10,000 cycles charge - discharge, reducing the series number of EDLCs to enlarge the module voltage and opening the possibility for directly combining EDLCs and LIBs in advanced applications.
Keywords:Graphene, Supercapacitors, High Cell-Voltage
超級電容具有快速充放電與循環壽命長等特徵,可以應用在儲電裝置上,例如提升攜帶式消費性電子產品的充電速率或是用在電動汽車的加速系統[1],也可以作為風力或太陽能發電的緩衝裝置[2],因此在近年吸引了許多研究關注。電雙層電容器(electrical double-layer capacitors, EDLCs),是超級電容的一種,其儲能方式是透過靜電吸附將電荷儲存於電極和電解液的介面上並且沒有法拉第反應發生。這是一個純物理的過程,所以理論上是一個高效率且經過無限多次的充放循環也不會有劣化並且具有高安全性的儲能系統。
目前已經有將鋰電池和超級電容結合做成一種新的儲能系統來應用[2, 3],但是卻受到電壓不匹配(商用有機相超級電容電壓最大為2.5 ~ 2.7 V,鋰電池約3.7 ~ 4.2 V)的關係導致這兩種系統在串並聯上產生問題。雖然透過離子液體 (EMImBF4)[4]可以將超級電容的電壓提升到4V,但是離子液體有著價格昂貴、濕度控制與操作不易[5]以及低溫下離子液體的EDLCs效能不佳[6]等問題,使得其難以達到商業化的應用。另一種非對稱超級電容(asymmetric supercapacitors)或是混合式超級電容(hybrid supercapacitors)則是透過選擇電池式的電極與電容式的電極做搭配,也可以提升電位窗而且可以提供較高的能量,例如:鋰離子電容(3.8 V)[7]、奈米混合式超級電容(3~4 V)[8]。然而,當超級電容的能量密度提升後一般伴隨著是功率密度的下降,以及這儲能裝置因為有涉及到法拉第反應,所以電極壽命與效率都有一定的限制[9]。因此,由於偏低的能量密度和電池電壓,使得EDLCs實際上的應用受到限制,這對於EDLCs若要在未來各類型先進的儲能應用會是一大問題。
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