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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 林財興
同樣地,射出成型廠面臨成型師父的凋零與訂單多樣化的影響,加速了自動化及智慧聯網的進程,將使生產流程彈性化、稼動率提高、營運成本降低與產品良率/產能提高;甚或,運用雲端大數據分析、數學建模與人工智慧(artificial intelligence, AI),進一步使企業轉型或創造新的營利模式。
Abstract: The personalization and high quality demands of the latest “Service Economy” have triggered a change in the way of traditional mass-production and indirectly lead to the era of I4.0. The current production capacity of Siemens in Amberg’s intelligent factory is eight times more than it was in 1989. The output value per capita of FANUC's intelligent machine tool factory reaches NTD 25.05 million, which is around six times of Taiwan's [16]. All of these deserve Taiwan to think of.
Besides, the retirement of the masters of molding techniques and the increasing diversification of orders in injection molding industry has accelerated the transition to production automation and intelligent networking. This will make the production processes more flexible, higher equipment’s utilization rates, lower operating costs and higher product yield and capacity. Furthermore, the newly application of cloud data analysis, mathematical modeling and Artificial intelligence in the industry will create a new profit-making model.
In view of the current situation of the intelligent networking of Taiwan's injection molding factories and referring to the practice of advanced countries, this article aims to make pragmatic suggestions about the protocol, sensors and contents of intelligent networking of prospective injection molding machines in Taiwan and so as to facilitate organic links between sensors, injection molding machines, big data and business models. It is hoped this will contribute to the efforts to upgrade Taiwan’s industry.
關鍵詞:射出機、OPC UA、工業4.0
Keywords:Injection Molding Machine (IMM), OLE for Process Control Unified Architecture, Industry 4.0
- 智慧聯網之協定(protocol):一般射出成型廠的機器設備通訊協定因廠牌而有所不同,如果要上傳資訊至生產製造執行系統(manufacturing execution system, MES)、企業資源規劃(enterprise resource planning, ERP)甚或雲端,建議統一採用OPC/UA協定做為標準,如圖1,以提升資料的交換效率與安全性。而在OPC/UA的基礎架構上,再考慮進一步選擇歐規EUROMAP77的語法,以做為射出機與主機或MES間的溝通橋樑。
- 智慧聯網連接感測器(sensors)的重要性:台灣具備電子與微機電系統(microelectromechanical systems, MEMS)之設計與製造優勢,如何開發出低成本的鎖模力應變計(strain gage)、射出力量計 (load cell)、馬達/滾珠導螺桿(ballscrew)振動感測器與射嘴力感測器,也成為一個重要的競爭課題。
- 智慧聯網之內容(contents):內容為何?決定智慧聯網是否成功的關鍵,也就是說智慧聯網投資費用不小,且效益往往向後遞延(尤其是大數據分析);換句話說,如沒詳細訂出具體改善或營利的目標,投資費用很容易打水漂。例如生產良率問題,那得先找出發生不良率的原因,而不是為聯網而聯網;接著,才能分階段訂出改善的目標。而在雲端大數據方面,如何創造營利模式則是企業轉型或創造新營利模式進一步的問題。
目前台灣射出機廠家的智慧聯網,尚停留在I3.0的資訊聯網上,例如安裝簡易的生產資訊系統(production information system, PIS),主要有機器狀態/生產數/成型參數/原料色粉/模具等管理,以及警報/修改/統計製程管制(statistical process control, SPC)等追蹤記錄,亦或傳統的生產製造執行系統,主要是接訂單後製令流程的管理與記錄如圖2。而台灣有關塑膠射出成型的業者,其針對未來I4.0智能工廠較有前膽規劃的廠家,就屬專業生產收納盒的樹德企業公司,其計劃於三年內完成集智慧建築、綠色工廠與智能工廠於一身的“樹德綠色夢工廠”建案如圖3。
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2017年08月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)