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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 謝騄璘
Abstract:Norway has the largest market penetration rate of EV in the world. In 2017, the electric vehicles sales in Norway accounted for 30.8% of the total sales volume. VW, BMW and Tesla were the top three brands in 2017 sales volume of electric vehicles in Norway, while the top three electric vehicle models are Golf, BMWi3 and Outlander. The number of charging stations in Norway has exceeded 9,000, with public charging posts accounting for 77.9% of the total. Top three administrative regions of electric car market share are Hordaland, Oslo and Akershus. Electric vehicle drivers there are allowed for free charging, free parking and driving bus lane etc. According to studies, the main considerations of Norway electric vehicle owners include cost- and time-saving. It is recommended to benchmark the development experience of Norway in promoting EV, such as creating cost-saving and time-saving benefit schemes so as to encourage the purchase and use of electric vehicles. In addition, to create Taiwan as a special international position for Taiwan, it is expected to attract international brands to set up factories in Taiwan and import new models to Taiwan.
Keywords:Norway, Electric vehicle, Industry analysis
挪威電動車市場由於採用購車稅制補助,電動車可免費充電、免費停車及行駛公車道等福利,搭配對汽油增加懲罰性稅收、持續教育民眾石油是用來出口而非使用之資源(挪威2016年為全球第7大石油生產國及第3大石油出口國),並運用豐沛水力發電優勢(截至2017年底擁有937 座水壩)支撐電動車發展。
圖1 挪威2013~2017年電動車銷量、車市總銷量及電動車佔比[1][2]
挪威電動車市場由於電動車免費充電、免費停車及行駛公車道等福利,搭配對汽油增加懲罰性稅收,影響市場以純電動車(Battery Electric Vehicle, BEV)為主力,以Golf、BMW i3、Leaf為銷量支撐,市場佔比47.6%如圖2;2017年插電式混合動力汽車(Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle, PHEV)市場佔比於Outlander、Passat、Golf車款熱銷帶動下提高為46.6%,較2016年成長1.6%,混合動力汽車(Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV)市場佔比則呈現小幅下滑。另值得注意之處為Toyota旗下燃料電池(Fuel Cell Vehicle, FCEV)車型Mirai,以10輛銷售實績於2016年成功打入挪威市場,2017年截至11月即有14輛銷售實績。
圖2 2016~2017年挪威各類電動車種佔比[3]
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