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In this study, an adaptive dynamic deviation precision control method is developed to precisely estimate movement of inertia of work-piece and improve machining performance for machine tools. The nominal plant of the machine is excited by the swept-frequency cosine signal and bell-shaped signal. Servo modeling optimization (SMO) method with damped Gauss-Newton algorithm and cost function minimization is used to obtain best orders of system transfer function. Based on the precise identified model, appropriate controller parameters of servo loops are correctly set with user-defined specification. Back-and-forth movement with variable feedrate and distance (BMVFD) method utilizes least mean square method with measured data of velocity and torque to estimate moment inertia and identify friction parameters. In real machining, the controller can estimate the current mass or mass moment of inertia of the work-piece and adaptive adjust the parameters of control parameters. Finally, simulations and experiments are carried out on a five-axis engraving machine to verify efficiency of the proposed method in improvement of cycle time and machining accuracy.
關鍵詞(Keywords)慣量估測、摩擦力模型、伺服自動調機 Inertia estimation、Friction model、Servo auto-tuning
表1 先進工具機智能化技術評比[1]-[12]
廠商/功能 | 先進引導 | 高品質加工 | 誤差補償 |
FANUC | Servo Guide AI Servo Tuning | CNC Startup Tool | Volumetric Compensation System Thermal Deformation Compensation |
SIEMENS | Auto Servo Tuning | Advanced Surface Top Surface | Volumetric Compensation System Automatic Measuring Cycles |
HEIDENHAIN | TNCopt Advanced Dynamics Prediction | [Dynamic Precision] Cross Talk Compensation Active Vibration Damping Position Adaptive Control Load Adaptive Control Motion Adaptive Control [Dynamic Efficiency] Active Chatter Control Adaptive Feed Control | KinematicsOpt |
MAZAK | | Smoothing Machining Configuration Active Vibration Control Smooth Corner Control Variable Acceleration Control Smooth AI Spindle | Smooth Thermal Shield Intelligent Performance Spindle |
DMG MORI | | Application Tuning Cycle | Ultra Thermal Precision 3D quickset |
OKUMA | ServoNavi | MachiningNavi | Thermo-Friendly Concept 5-Axis Auto Tuning System |
MIKRON | | Operator Support System Advanced Process System | Intelligent Thermal Control |
先進引導功能聚焦於透過系統鑑別程序優化伺服控制端的參數,來達到優異的動態匹配性能,主要由三大控制器廠商提供[2]-[8],如:FAUNC Servo Guide、SIEMENS Auto Servo Tuning、HEIDENHAIN TNCopt。除此之外,OKUMA工具機廠則因擁有自行開發的伺服驅動系統,亦提供ServoNavi軟體[9],其AI功能包含工件重量與慣性自動設定;SF功能包含反轉突起自動調整、制振自動調整。高品質加工功能更是工具機智能化技術的重點項目,FAUNC提出精密表面處理技術[4]並針對工件條列出評價項目如圖1(a)所示,主要影響要素分為:加工程式、CNC、伺服、刀具等。Heidenhain則提供進階動態預測(Advanced dynamic prediction, ADP)和動態精確(Dynamic precision)功能[8]如圖1(b)所示,進階動態預測能預讀單節並根據輪廓點分佈調整速度配置確保表面品質及輪廓精度;動態精確用於補償機床的動態偏差,確保工件輪廓高精度和表面高品質,同時提高加工速度。Siemens也提出了先進表面(Advanced Surface)技術[5][6]如圖1(c)所示,使用者依據加工程序的需求(粗切、粗精切、精切)選擇以精度、速度或是表面品質為重,控制器會自動決定內部加工參數。MAZAK、DMG MORI、MIKRON等工具機大廠皆提供類似西門子先進表面技術的客製化界面,各家技術依序稱為滑順化機台設定(Smoothing Machining Configuration, SMC)[10]、自動切削循環ATC(Application Tuning Cycle)[11]、操作者支援系統(Operator Support System, OSS)[12]。
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
圖1(a)FAUNC精密表面處理技術、(b)Heidenhain動態精確功能、(c)Siemens先進表面加工、(d)MAZAK滑順化機台設定SMC、(e)DMG MORI自動切削循環ATC
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