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Abstract:In 2021, the export value of Taiwan's plastic and rubber machinery and equipment has exceeded US$1 billion. Due to international competition, shortage of workers, small quantity and variety of products, and international requirements for carbon reduction and energy saving, Taiwan's demand for intelligent equipment technology is increasing. The basic technologies of intelligence include sensors, data collection, communication, information models, and intelligent data analysis algorithms. The parameter map combines anomaly detection technology, metric learning and dimensionality reduction technology, machine learning methods, and domain knowledge to provide intuitive cause analysis and instant warning tools to analyze possible causes and avoid waste caused by continuous production of defective products. The entire process of plastic injection molding is featured by: feature extraction, data cleaning performed through distance metric for high-dimensional data, intuitive pictures provided by dimensionality reduction, and interactive map labeling by industry professionals. It is expected that this technology will provide accumulated experience and more inspirations for the problem definition and technology combination strategies for intelligent equipment technology in the future.
Keywords:Anomaly detection, Metric learning, Machine learning
Grand View Research指出2021年全球塑膠市場規模約為5,930億美金,估計2030年以前將以年均增長率3.7%成長[1],歐洲塑料協會的Plastics–the Facts 2021報告則指出全球50%的塑膠製品在亞洲生產[2],如圖1。依臺灣機械公會的資料[3],2021年臺灣塑橡膠機械設備產值出口額約10.2億美金。世界各國家或地區的技術層次與主要目標產業如圖2。臺灣設備主要的市場與亞洲其他國家與地區重疊,需求為塑料包裝、3C家電用品、車用零組件與光學產品等,設備類型與種類繁多。
圖1 塑橡膠產業市場份額分布[1]
圖片來源:Grand View Research 工研院機械所重製
圖片來源:Plastics Europe 工研院機械所重製
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