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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: The paper presents a novel green and clean design of the non-powered brush device for cleaning LCD panel for effective removal of foreign particles after grinding the LCD panel. In general, the cleaning device is provided with a plurality of brushes over a substrate to be cleaned, driving shaft for holding and rotating the brushes, a independent driving motor for rotating the driving shafts, a plurality of transfer rollers under the substrate for transfer of the substrate. The cleaning device rotates the brushes in a direction, the same with, or opposite to, a direction of movement of the substrate for cleaning the substrate.
However, the cleaning device has the following problems in removing foreign particles on LCD panel. Firstly, the cleaning device includes two independent motors for driving the movement of the brushes and the substrate, respectively. As a result, it needs more hardware cost and two driving motors. Secondary, although no substrate is passed to be cleaned, the brushes still rotate and operate. Consequently, it results waste of energy and “green and clean technology” for environmental protection is not satisfactory. Thirdly, the movement of the brushes and the substrate may non-synchronous, and it results slipping friction, instead of the original rolling friction. The slipping friction force may damage the microscopic surface of the LCD panel.
Accordingly, the paper presents a novel design of a non-powered, self-driven, and synchronous brush device design for cleaning LCD panel by applying magnetic energy transfer. The new design requires no additional energy and hardware cost for driving shaft for rotating brushes, such as oil or electricity, or such actuators as driving motors. Moreover, the cleaning brushes of the present facilitates will be self-driven and synchronous with moving speed of the substrate only for the removal of foreign particles from LCD panel as necessary. In other situations, the brushes stop to save energy and raise the energy efficiency. Therefore, the novel cleaning device may be designed for removal of foreign particles not only from the viewpoint of hardware cost, but also from green technology issue.
Keywords:Non-powered, LCD panel, Synchronous, Green Technology
觀察傳統動力傳輸裝置大都採用齒輪或皮帶等接觸式零件來達成,但其在運轉過程中,接觸面會有相對的運動及磨耗產生,長時間下來將產生粉塵粒子,這對強調高潔淨度或無塵室的工作條件,將對後續製程造成極大的困擾,所以必須定期停機保養或維修,造成稼動率及使用壽命有限。本文研究動機一方面深受池田流「工藝開發」啟蒙,並響應政府將LCD設備「國產化」列為產業政策重點項目,更呼應全球「節能減碳」的綠色思維,嘗試利用磁性非接觸式齒輪(Magnetic Gear)來設計LCD玻璃基板表面清潔裝置。磁性非接觸齒輪又簡稱磁性環,其優點在於:無摩擦、無粉塵、易安裝、無噪音及低能耗,利用磁性環類似飛輪、彈簧等為一種儲能系統,藉由磁能可以和其他能量型態如電能、機械能等進行能量轉換原理,利用永久磁石之磁力成功作為兩轉軸間非接觸式非軸向型扭力傳輸([3]-[5]),相關技術已獲得多項專利([6]-[8]),並實際應用在均豪精密有限公司所設計的LCD面板非接觸式傳輸機構上。
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2011年01月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)