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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 桂人傑
Abstract: The global wind industry faced the decline of the new installed wind turbine capacity during the time when Husum windenergy 2010 and WINDPOWER 2011 were held, yet the wind industry is still showing very tough resilience, which can be seen in these two trade fairs. This article describes the products and the relevant technologies from the wind turbine system manufactures taking part in the fairs and focuses on the rise of Asian countries, namely South and Mainland China. Some trend analysis and feature evaluation are also given to the wind technologies showing in the fairs at the end of this article.
Keywords:Husum windenergy 2010, WindPower 2011, Wind turbine, Drive-train, Direct-drive, Offshore
今年3月11日日本東北大地震導致的福島核災事故促使包括台灣在內的多數國家不得不重新檢討核電計畫,並加速推動再生能源,因此又讓風能展望轉趨樂觀。由於筆者在311日本大地震前後參訪了兩個規模盛大且具有代表性的的風電大展:2010年9月底舉辦的德國Husum風能展(Husum Wind 2010)、以及2011年5月底舉辦的美國風能展(US WindPower 2011),故以下即對此兩大風能展加以介紹,並說明風電產業現況及探討未來可能的發展趨勢。
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2011年10月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)