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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 王福山、林恆育
Abstract: Under the competition of globalization, the manufactures of mold/die tooling in Taiwan have the advantage in providing the true value for the customers. The advantage is further secured by leveraging the concept of the 2.5-grade industry promoted by the government. This includes constructing the concurrent development system via internet technology and reducing the service lead. The value of the mold/die industry has evolved to the “service value” in order to maintain the unique advantage over the competition as well the sustainable development of the industry.
This article attempts to propose a model of manufacturing-servicilization for the mold/die industry, an industry with a complete provision system and IT advantage. The key factors in transforming the manufacture itself to a service provider are investigated. The aim is to provide the industry with the guidelines in its further development.
The service model of this work is based on the core competencies of the industry. The demand of the customers from the product-provision is analyzed. The effective utilization of the advantage in the manufactures is taken into account. Both aspects are integrated as a complete provision system. The manufacturing industry can hence extend its alternative role as a service provider.
Keywords:Mold/die industry, manufacturing-servicilization, 2.5-grade industry
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2011年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)