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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: Many Japanese manufacturing industries moved to overseas due to cost consideration recently. Japanese local companies introduce trial manufacturing technology and try to support end users to develop high value products rapidly. A lot of integration trial manufacturing teams were set up in Japan. They provide services with team work and complementary technologies and get great response. This article introduce several trial manufacturing technologies and business model of trial manufacturing center and try to encourage our industries to develop on this way together.
Keywords:Trial Manufacturing, Mold and Die, 5-Axis Machining, Rapid Prototyping/Rapid Tooling(RP/RT)
日本製造業因成本考量,大量生產紛紛外移,國內朝開發試作為主,各地紛紛成立試作中心、試作網,大力推展試作技術。各廠除持續精進自己的核心技術外,也紛紛輿其他擁有互補技術的廠商整合,形成一個堅強的試作團隊,並以提供One Stop Service為號召。這種發展值得我們借鏡,因此,在經濟部技術處支持下,國內也逐步成立各種試作中心,協助整合業界,共同推動試作技術。
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2011年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)