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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 吳志偉
Abstract: The science and technology is fast developing nowadays. The consuming electronic commodity is almost advanced quarterly。Take current Smartphone as example. According to Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC), the estimated global production will reach 452 million pcs of Smartphone in 2011 and will be raised to 614 million pcs in 2012. So the light, thin, short, small and multi-function electronic commodity really attracts the vast consumer population at present. To have the design of multi-function products,it also means that miniaturization of components is the main trend that every large enterprise improves the technology currently. Therefore, the passive components used in 3C products are increased by times gradually. Of course, product development technology, quality and productivity are the main points that every company pursues. During the research and development process, products become more and more complex with higher variability due to technology enhancement and the need to fulfill consumer market demands. And the speed of development and capacity utilization will be the key of the revenue of the company. Therefore, for the passive industry, the development process of miniaturization for 3C electronic products becomes a new opportunity and motivation for growth. In this paper, Taguchi method is used to understand the resistance substrate of passive components - ceramic substrates with regard to characteristics of UV laser processing parameters. Then apply it to the processing of ceramic substrates effectively and rapidly in related industries, with an expectation that such understanding will help to save time and enhance productivity of enterprises.
Keywords:Laser Scribing, Taguchi Methods, Fine Ceramic, UV laser
目前全世界在生活水準提高以及高附加價值的產業發展驅動下,消費性3C電子產品如:智慧型手機(Smartphone)、液晶電視(LED TV)、筆記型電腦(NB)、平板電腦(Tablet PC)、數位相機(DSC)、LED照明及網通等商品需求日增;由其是現今消費者對於即時資訊與溝通的仰賴;因此行動裝置智慧型手機更是目前高成長產業之一,如圖一可了解Q2‘10手機總量為6.08億隻,Q2‘11手機總量為11.04億隻,成長將近1倍。而當產品樣式逐漸朝向微型精緻化邁進的模式之下更會拉高被動元件需求量如圖二。
以新型智慧型手機為例,目前平均一台搭載被動元件數量為750顆左右,傳統手機搭載為300顆左右,由圖三可看出新型手機與傳統手機搭載元件數量的不同,而被動元件內晶片電阻(chip R)更是智慧型手機的主要核心零件,目前主要使用晶片電阻是以0201尺寸為主,其餘則是01005及0402,平均一台使用0201晶片電阻約400 顆左右,此數量將近是以往手機的兩倍之多,而今年被動元件市場晶片電阻需求將在400億到600億顆之間,而更高階產品因為元件高密度承載趨勢則是使用更小化的01005型晶片電阻,如圖四所示目前晶片電阻尺寸推進。
硬脆性材料(brittle material)目前已經是電子科技產業非常廣泛的製作基材,而一般被動元件基材例如電阻均是以陶瓷基板做為基材;但陶瓷材料利用雷射進行加工時,則會有燒蝕、重熔、微裂縫、噴濺、熔渣及較大熱影響區等現象,而這些現象是會影響到後製程上的作業問題,導致不良率提升進而影響到元件信賴性問題。因此若要了解雷射對於陶瓷切割現象,操作者本身對於雷射加工條件的選擇為極其重要的因素;但由於不同人員對於參數選擇的認定標準不一樣,很容易產生不確定與模糊性而造成爭議性,故本文即介紫外光雷射對於陶瓷材料劃線最佳參數,希望能求出較公正之參數給予雷射相關人員參考使用,更期望能快速及有效運用被動元件產業研發上。
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