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作者 廖運炫李忠玲楊益群



Abstract: Chatter is a kind of self-excited vibration, and it is one of the most important factors affecting material removal rate and machining cost of the machine tool. Chatter in essence is a dynamic machining process which is a closed loop system composed of the material removal process and the dynamic behavior of the machine tool. A strategy to suppress regenerative chatter on-line is proposed in this paper. Based on the concept of regenerative effect, the vibration occurring during the cutting process causes the variation of undeformed chip thickness, and in turn results in undulation left on the cut surface. There is phase difference between two undulations of present and previous cuts. When this phase difference falls in unstable conditions chatter takes place. The phase difference which can lead to the maximum energy removal from the vibratory system is derived. The appropriate spindle speed which can suppress chatter most effectively from energy view point can be computed according to the relationship among the spindle speed, chatter frequency, and phase difference. Numerical simulation of a single-degree-of-freedom system shows that the derived optimal phase difference can indeed lead to the reduction of vibration amplitude in the shortest time. The proposed strategy is implemented on a CNC milling machine, and millings of different materials are conducted. The cutting force in feed direction is measured by a dynamometer, and fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is carried out to obtain the power spectrum. The chatter frequency is identified when the intensity at a certain frequency other than the spindle speed and tooth passing frequency exceeds a critical value. Based on the identified chatter frequency, a new spindle speed is computed. It is found that amplitude of chatter is reduced promptly and effectively, and hence the validity of the proposed strategy is verified. The proposed strategy is very simple, no system identification of the machine tool structure is needed, and hence it has great potential in actual applications.


Keywords:CNC machine tool, Self-excited vibration , Chatter suppression, Spindle speed regulation



Merritt [1]針對切削系統,結合切削過程的動態特性(cutting process dynamics)與工具機結構的動態特性(structure dynamics)發展出一套模式,計算切削系統臨界穩定的切削條件。利用計算出的結果可繪製出一主軸轉速與臨界切削深度的關係圖,稱為穩定性圖(stability chart)。由此模式所推導出的結果,可以解釋實驗上切削系統在某些主軸轉速下特別高的條件性穩定(conditional stable)現象。

Smith與Tlusty [2,3]提出以加工時的顫振頻率作為調整主軸轉速的依據。當顫振發生時先分辨出顫振的頻率,再停機調整主軸的轉速,使刀刃通過頻率的倍數能夠等於顫振頻率。從微觀上來看,就是使刀刃振動軌跡與工件表面波紋相位差等於零,以維持切屑厚度的變化為零,利用切削系統中的阻尼效應來穩定系統。同時為避免轉速變動時刀具受力過大,在調整轉速的過程中採用類似有拘束的適應控制(ACC, adaptive control with constraint)的方法,若刀具受力達到某一程度時,便將進給率降低至某一預定值,一方面可達到避免刀具受力過大的目的,一方面可減小顫振的振幅,待系統的狀態穩定之後,再將進給率提高到可接受的大小。

更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2012年03月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)





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