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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: Industrial robots have been widely employed in production line for various applications. The gripper is specified to grasp objects with different weight and force tolerance. If the grasping force is not well monitored, the object may be destroyed or fails successfully pick up. Hence, how to monitor the gripper contact force on-time is important for future intelligent applications. Although, robotic impedance control investigation had been proposed in literature by using multi-degree of freedom torque-force sensor, it is too expensive and complicated for general industrial applications. Hence, robotic gripper with embedded force control function is a good choice for robot end-effector. Here, the piezoelectric material and force sensitive resistor (FSR) sensor are chosen as the gripper contacted force sensor and an embedded gripper control system is developed for the contact force monitoring. The model-free intelligent fuzzy sliding mode control strategy is employed to design the force controller. A communication signal is to manipulate the switch function between robot arm position controller and gripper force controller for object pick-and-place automatic operation.
關鍵詞:壓電感測器、力量控制、 嵌入式控制系統
Keywords:Laser Cladding, Carbon Film, Metal Bipolar Plate, Fuel Cell
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