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摘要:傳統電子封裝打線接合採用純金線,其與鋁墊會在接合界面反應形成大量脆性介金屬化合物,影響產品可靠度。若採用銅線取代純金線不僅有氧化問題,使封裝產品可靠度有更大風險,而且其界面介金屬化合物不易形成,亦會造成打線接合不良的疑慮。銀合金線具有成本較低、抗氧化性佳、且銲點界面介金屬化合物成長適中的優點,尤其新近開發成功具大量退火孿晶結構之銀金鈀合金線具有高可靠度及耐電遷移特性,先前報導在IC半導體封裝產品驗證之打線接合品質與純金線不相上下,其可靠度試驗結果甚至超過純金線與銅線[1],本文進一步證實此一創新退火孿晶結構之銀金鈀合金線在LED封裝應用同樣展現優異性能,更由於銀的高反射率,採用銀合金線的LED封裝產品亮度提高3.2 %,使其較IC半導體封裝之應用更增加一項優點。
Abstract: Traditionally, gold wire bonding has been employed for electronic packages. However, when reacting with Al pad, Au wire bonding package produces brittle intermetallic compounds (IMCs) at the interface. These IMCs degrade the reliability of electronic products. One possible substitute for gold wire is copper wire, but copper wire still has drawbacks such as easy oxidization, which raises the risk of failure during reliability tests, and less formation of interfacial IMCs, leading to concerns about bondability. Silver alloy wire has many advantages, such as lower cost, better oxidation resistance, and appropriate IMC growth. Recently, an innovative Ag-(8-30 %)Au-(0.01-6 %)Pd alloy wire containing a large amount of annealing twins has been developed. This annealing twinned silver alloy wire has higher reliability and better durability to electromigration. In a previous verification for IC packages, this new wire showed a performance similar to that of gold wire, and its reliability was even better than that of either gold wire or copper wire[1]. The present report further indicates that applying this innovative annealing twinned Ag-Au-Pd alloy wire in LED packages results in performance equal to that in IC packages, and also, due to the high reflectivity of silver, the brightness of LED products bonded with Ag-alloy wire is 3.2 % higher than that of LED products bonded with gold wire.
Keywords:Ag-Au-Pd alloy wire, LED package, Wire bonding
LED封裝製程包括晶片檢驗、劃片、擴片、固晶、打線接合、封膠、固化、切筋、測試、包裝等步驟(圖1),劃片是在晶片檢驗(Chip Inspection)後進行切割,擴片(Wafer Extending)是將劃片後晶片之間距由大約0.1 mm擴張到大約0.6 mm,接著進行固晶步驟(Die bonding),固晶目前仍以黏膠接合(Adhesive bonding)為主,但因應高功率LED散熱需求,亦有採用低溫銲錫軟銲接合(Soldering)、高溫共晶Au-20Sn銲錫軟銲接合(Au-20Sn Soldering)、高溫金/錫共晶接合(Au/Sn Eutectic Bonding),目前台大與工研院正合作開發一種具有「低溫接合,高溫應用」特色之固液擴散接合(Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion Bonding)固晶技術。打線接合(Wire Bonding)是LED晶片對外連線(Interconnection)的方法之一,雖然目前高功率LED亦有採用覆晶連線(Flip Chip Interconnection)技術,但大部分LED封裝仍以傳統打線接合為主。完成連線步驟後,接著進行封膠(Encapsulation),亦即利用高分子膠將打線接合完成的LED晶片與銲線密封保護。待高分子封膠加熱固化後進行切筋(Dejunk/Trimming),亦即將封膠後的LED元件與引腳架(Lead Frame)分離。如果是SMD型的LED,晶片固定在印刷電路板(PCB)上,則會使用劃片方式進行切割分離。最後完成的LED模組經測試(Testing)及包裝後出貨,提供下游各種LED光電產品廠進行組裝。
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