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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 辜婉琪、梁高榮
Abstract: Based on Eulerian marked graphs (EMGs), a synthesis method is proposed for generating a Token-Conserved Petri Net (TCPN) for flexible manufacturing system. In this synthesis method, all elementary manufacturing processes of a given flexible manufacturing system are specified at first. Second a corresponding Eulerian marked graph is designed though hierarchy transformation method for each elementary manufacturing process. Third all the Eulerian marked graphs are synthesized into a TCPN. Fourth the TCPN is transformed into an Interpreted Petri net (IPN) for controlling the underlying flexible manufacturing system. For showing this synthesis method in detail, two design stages for generating a TCPN and its IPN for an automated mould filling system are described step by step.
Keywords:Flexible Manufacturing System, Token-Conserved Petri Net, Eulerian Marked Graph, Synthesis Method
浮標守恆裴氏圖(Token-Conserved Petri Net, TCPN)[2]常用於控制彈性製造系統(Flexible Manufacturing System)裡,而歐氏記號圖(Eulerian Marked Graph, EMG)常用來控制重覆性的基本製造程序[1, 9]。由於彈性製造系統的製造行為常常是基本製造程序的組合,浮標守恆裴氏圖與歐氏記號圖會存在系統與子系統的密切關係;特別是浮標守恆裴氏圖常常可以分解成歐氏記號圖的組合[2]。基於兩者的特殊關係,這裡提出一種從歐氏記號圖到浮標守恆裴氏圖的合成方法(Synthesis Method)來。
在此合成方法裡,首先是制定所有彈性製造系統的基本製造程序。其次是針對每一種的基本製造程序,透過階層轉換法(Hierarchy Transformation Method)[9]設計出其對應的歐氏記號圖。接著將所有的歐氏記號圖合成為浮標守恆裴氏圖。為了控制此彈性製造系統,隨後再將浮標守恆裴氏圖轉成為詮釋型裴氏圖(Interpreted Petri net, IPN)[2]。
底下為了詳細的說明此合成方法,這裡將先說明此合成方法的各步驟。接著再舉一個自動灌模系統(Automated Mould Filling System)[6, 8]為例來說明此合成方法。這包含此自動灌模系統的三張歐氏記號圖的規格。再說明如何將此三張歐氏記號圖合成為一張浮標守恆裴氏圖。隨後再說明如何將此浮標守恆裴氏圖轉換成詮釋型裴氏圖。最後則是結論與展望。
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