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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: This study proposes a novel continuous variable transmission (CVT) to improve the performances of mode switch for hybrid electric scooter (HES). In the HES, the power output includes two independent power sources. The first power source is hub motor which is installed in the front wheel of the HES. The hub motor is a directly driving motor without any reduced gear, which transfers the power to the front wheel. Another power source is an internal combustion engine (ICE) which transfers the power to the rear wheel via a CVT system. When the HES uses a traditional CVT system during the period of the mode switch, the rider may feel seriously instant rush. Therefore, this study mainly focuses on the improvement of the transmission mechanism for the HES system. In the CVT system, this study designs a single-way ratchet in the center of the clutch bell to separate the first and second power sources which can reduce the instant rush and increase the joint smooth at the mode switch.
Keywords:Continuous variable transmission (CVT), hybrid electric scooter (HES), single-way ratchet
交通部統計,台灣的機動車輛到2012年5月底已超過2210萬輛[3],其中機車佔了1,499萬輛,已深深地影響到台灣所居住環境的品質。而車輛主要排放的廢氣,如:CO、CO2、HC、NOX將會影響人體健康和生活品質,其中CO2更是引發全球暖化的主要因素。根據美國環保署的城市行駛測試模態,傳統內燃機引擎車輛的能量利用情況,其中在城市中怠速和煞車時的能量損失很大,相當於總燃油能量的17.2 %;且內燃機引擎本身熱損失浪費約62 %~65 %的總能量,再加上傳動效率上的損失,真正送到驅動輪的可用功大約只剩12.6 %的總能量[4]。
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