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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: This paper focuses on the task of automatically visual inspection of color uniformity on the surface of integrated circuits (IC) wafers arising from the layering process. The oxide thickness uniformity within a given wafer with a desired target thickness is of great importance for modern semiconductor circuits with small oxide thickness. The non-uniform chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on a wafer surface will proceed to fail testing in Wafer Acceptance Test (WAT). Early detection of non-uniform deposition in a wafer surface can reduce material waste and improve production yields. The fastest and most low-priced inspection method is a machine vision-based inspection system. In this paper, the proposed visual inspection system is based on the color representations which were reflected from wafer surface. The regions of non-uniform deposition present different colors from the uniform background in a wafer surface. The proposed inspection technique first learns the color data via color space transformation from uniform deposition of normal wafer surfaces. The individual small region statistical comparison scheme then proceeds to the testing wafers. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively detect the non-uniform deposition regions on the wafer surface. The inspection time of the deposited wafers is quite compatible with the atmospheric pressure CVD time.
Keywords:IC wafer, Defect detection, Machine vision
基於影像分析的非接觸視覺檢測技術已成為一項重要的製程良率量化評估方法。顯示於產品或材料表面的缺陷,例如髒污、刮痕、磨損等瑕疵通常缺少可量化的量測值加以定義,若出現這些瑕疵的背景上具有複雜的紋路更增加瑕疵偵測的困難度。自動化視覺檢測已廣泛且成功地應用在工業產品的材料表面,例如印刷電路板檢測(PCB)[1-3],半導體晶圓檢測[4-6],液晶顯示面板檢測[7-9],太陽能電池檢測[10, 11],紡織品檢測[12, 13]。以印刷電路板檢測為例,視覺檢測通常利用PCB板上的固定定位點進行影像校正,校正完後便可利用標準PCB片與待測PCB板進行比對。在半導體晶圓檢測方面,通常半導體晶圓表面呈現週期性的紋路或重複的圖樣,視覺檢測瑕疵的方法可由偵測瑕疵會造成該週期性紋路被破壞的特性來辨識出瑕疵位置,但在半導體晶圓表面上呈現的薄膜沉積不均勻是隨機分布,無法利用上述方式進行視覺檢測,而歷史技術文獻上提及晶圓薄膜沉積不均勻檢測也是較為缺乏的。本文所提出的技術主要針對積體電路晶圓在沉積製程中產生的膜厚不均勻瑕疵進行檢測,由於膜厚沉積不均勻經光線折射後會產生顯著的顏色差異,因此本文提出以自動光學檢測積體電路晶圓表面顏色均勻度之檢測技術。當晶圓表面化學氣相沉積(CVD)不均勻使膜厚異常將導致表面電性測試(WAT)失敗,早期偵測出膜厚不均可降低材料的浪費與增進產品良率。
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