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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: In recent years, many Taiwanese manufacturing companies have set up factories in mainland China to take advantage of the lower production costs and China’s vast market. The signing of the ECFA and other cross-strait economic and trade policies and agreements promote Taiwan's manufacturing industry operating in the cross-strait cooperation model. In view of this, the current research tries to make improvements in the cross-strait collaborative logistics model. The purpose of this study is to improve the logistics model to maintain a successful and competitive collaboration between manufacturers and logistics service providers.
In this research, the digital camera, industrial computer and TFT-LCD industries were chosen as the representative cases of the Taiwanese manufacturing industry engaging cross-strait production. The scope of the research focuses on the business model and analysis of cross-strait logistics deployment and development. The system dynamics (SD) approach is applied, when evaluating the As-Is and to-be production efficiency and logistics costs. Finally, this research induces key success factors for manufacturers and their outsourcing logistics service providers when exploring new service approaches and opportunities.
Keywords:Manufacturing industry, Cross-strait strategy, Logistics business modelm, System dynamics
產業營運現況 (As-Is)
2.1 產業供應鏈結構
台灣數位相機代工產業在供應鏈上游關鍵零組件的主控性仍處於弱勢,尤其是CCD及光學鏡頭,其技術與專利方面目前仍由Sharp、Sony及Panasonic等日本廠商所掌握,因此上述關鍵零組件貨源的穩定格外重要。數位相機上游零組件包含CCD與互補性氧化金屬半導體(Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, CMOS)感測器、薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(Thin-Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display, TFT-LCD)面板、記憶體、光學鏡頭以及後端影像處理控制晶片等,由中游的ODM或OEM廠商如台商佳能、華晶科、鴻海、亞光及日商Sanyo等進行組裝代工。
總體來說,工業電腦產業的上游廠商包含CPU、記憶體、晶片組、連接器、主被動元件、印刷電路板、電源供應器、機箱、軟硬碟機、儲存裝置等廠商。工業電腦製造商位於工業電腦產業的中游,該類廠商會參與嵌入式板卡、電路系統和機構的設計與生產,因此與上游系統單晶片(System-on-a-chip, SoC)廠商緊密連結,推出不同產品,並推廣至不同垂直產業的應用。工業電腦產業的下游主要是產業設備製造商、垂直應用系統整合商及終端用戶。
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2013年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)