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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: With increasing needs of applications in various electric vehicles, the development of power lithium-ion cells has continued. Current cells are constructed in cylindrical, prismatic and pouch types, each having their own advantages and disadvantages for their application. Adopting large-format cells can improve not only heat dissipation but also simplify the management of the battery. However, process stability and uniformity of large-format cells affect the electrochemical and safety performances significantly. Therefore, how to improve the manufacture process and reduce costs are the primary challenges faced.
In addition, a large number of specifications for cell dimension causes some issues for module and automotive companies in choosing the suitable cell for their products. They need to spend more time and money to evaluate the cell performance in their system application. In some cases, customized cells are required, and manufacturers must set up multiple different production lines, which further increases the cost of cells. Therefore, standardizing cell dimensions can provide manufacturers with a guideline to develop their cells, as well as giving the system maker a template to select the cell and design module and system, which can reduce costs for large-format lithium-ion cell a clearer direction for the market.
Keywords:Large-format lithium-ion cell, Manufacturing process, Cell dimension standardization
大型鋰電池,泛指電容量大於5 Ah,或無法採用成熟的量產製程其容量較高者。大型鋰電池目前多應用於油電混合車(HEV & PHEV)或純電動車(BEV)中,主要是因為這些產品皆需要較高的電池容量,以相同的電容量而言,單顆大型鋰電池可取代由許多小電池並聯組成的電池塊;如此不僅可改善模組散熱問題,簡化電池系統組裝複雜性,提升系統可靠度,更能夠簡化電池管理,便於維修,因此較受模組廠以及車廠喜愛。
但是大型電池非僅是簡單的將電池尺寸放大而已,也需要面對其他挑戰。大型電池極板面積大,較不容易篩出瑕疵,材料系統導入到驗證、製程達到穩定與均一,發展過程冗長、缺乏成熟的量產機台支援,成本較高,不易變更設計,最令人擔心的是一旦發生熱爆走(thermo runaway),一個單元電池即可產生相當大的熱量釋放,安全性受質疑。表1為典型18650與非18650在應用上的優缺點比較。本文將從電池殼體型態與製程探討大型動力鋰電池應用與開發所面臨的挑戰。
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