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- 機械工業雜誌
Abstract: The introduction of smart handheld devices stimulates the demand of touch panel intensely. Domestic manufacturers in Taiwan play an important role in this industry through their outstanding manufacturing ability. However, as products tend to be more complicated and diverse, manufactures need to develop more accurate bonding technology or equipment to prevent the potential high defect ratio that could cause a tremendous profit loss. Therefore, bonding process technology becomes a critical factor of quality in the touch panel industry. This research investigates bonding process of touch panel production with a special focus on exploring relevant technologies in Taiwan’s database and analyzing the patent layout. The results show that Japanese enterprises are well established and concentrated on the core part of the patent technology and effect. Domestic enterprises may consider possibilities of inter-enterprise co-competition to enhance an international and global focus. Provided with the technology-effect layout, technology track, effect track, and IPC change, they can also be able to examine own strength and weakness in R&D and patent layout. The results may also help the industry to sketch its future R&D and patent strategies. This research focuses only on Taiwan’s database to conduct technology mining and analyze the patent layout of bonding process due to Taiwan’s high market share. With respect to international competitiveness, the domestic enterprise should further analyze the patent layout of the main foreign sales countries as to ensure its leading place in the highly competitive market..
Keywords:Touch Panel, Bonding Process, Technology Mining, Patent Layout
近年來在公車、捷運、高鐵、甚至於飛機上,人們不難發現的共同現象是低頭族變多了,除了低頭外,這些人似乎都變成了另類的指揮家般,只見手指頭不斷地滑動或揮動,螢幕上的影像也隨之轉變。全球的觸控面板產業,自2007年蘋果電腦陸續推出具有觸控功能的iPhone、iPad後,在搭配強大的App Store軟體服務支援下,營收規模呈現出快速擴張的現象[1]。據統計,幾乎人手一支的智慧型手持裝置,造就了我國觸控產業占全球總營收的47.9 %,居第一位,其次依序為日本的17.2 %、韓國15 %、以及大陸9.6 % [2],如圖1所示。依據NPD DisplaySearch資料顯示,平板裝置觸控面板是全球觸控面板產值最主要的增長來源,於2013年出貨量預計上看2億片,產值將超過200億美元,2018年全球觸控產值預估將成長至319億美元[3]。
觸控面板產業鏈如圖2所示,中游的部分為產品的關鍵,所牽涉的製程包括將ITO導電玻璃/薄膜,以印刷或黃光製程蝕刻感應線路,加上電極絕緣製程,完成XY電極;以光學膠貼合後,再與具有控制IC的軟性印刷電路板做熱壓合,製成觸控感應器(Touch Sensor);將觸控感應器與保護玻璃/外蓋(Cover Lens)貼合製成觸控模組(Touch Module);最後再與液晶面板模組(LCD Module, LCM)貼合,即形成觸控面板[4]。隨著產品的複雜性與多樣化的趨勢,業者倘不具有因應各種不同產品的精密貼合技術或貼合設備,可能導致不良率偏高,形成莫大的損失。因此,貼合製程可稱為觸控面板良率的關鍵因素。
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