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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 葉立綸
Abstract: Currently China is facing a domestic economic slowdown. The Chinese government is no longer resorting to large-scale investment stimulus policies (such as the four trillion RMB economic stimulus plan) that include large-quantity procurement and manufacturing of machine tool products. In addition, unsolved Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and wavering US economic recovery have caused a decline in external demand markets. As a result, there is an excessive Chinese machine tool inventory and production capability. Furthermore, Taiwan’s second largest export market, the United States, is planning to use existing industry chains (such as those in the airplane, automobile, and computer industries) in North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) countries (the United States, Canada, and Mexico) as a foundation for in-depth integration. The objective is to create a “North American Factory” to counterbalance and compete with the “Asia Factory” (China). However, because people in European and North American regions are reluctant to enter the manufacturing field, manufacturing industries in these regions are dependent on factory automation and “intelligent” machines. Therefore, not only does Taiwan machine tool industry need to continue increasing the precision of machine tools and develop multiple axis and compound function products (to increase the added value of Taiwan-produced machine tools), but also need to analyze future demands in the Chinese and American machine tool markets. Taiwan machine tool industry can increase its competitive advantage in the Chinese and American market by building automated cell formed from superior and economical robotic arms and machine tools and developing machines and equipment with flexible manufacturing characteristics (FMC and FMS).
Keywords:Machine Tool Industry, Automation, Smart Manufacturing
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年01月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)
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