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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 曾文丁、柏雪翠
Abstract: Vehicles are the major source of CO2 emissions in the transportation sector, and CO2 is a major type of greenhouse gases (GHG). To mitigate global warming, Taiwan’s government, along with other major countries in the world, is devoted to reduce GHG emissions from the transportation sector. 2010 was designated as the year of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in Taiwan, and the Executive Yuan passed the National “Master Plan of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction” and 10 strategy plans; the contents include developing green transportation networks, fostering low-carbon communities to achieve a low-carbon society with multiple goals. To achieve the previously mentioned targets, the Bureau of Energy (BOE) has promoted many important policies in the Transportation Sector in recent years, such as: encouraging Eco-Driving, setting fuel economy standards for vehicles and establishing fuel economy labels. The next stage fuel economy standard in Taiwan adopts the CAFE system as well as small volume manufacturer measure which local vehicle entities are not familiar with. This article will give readers more details and insights about Taiwan’s next stage fuel economy regulation.
Keywords:Fuel Economy Standard, Conversion Factor, Corporate Average Fuel Economy
- 政府以強制性法令或以共同協議方式督促車輛製造廠或進口車商,生產或引進燃油效率較佳車型(目前美國、歐洲、日本、中國大陸、韓國及我國等國家均有強制性立法要求廠商配合)
- 針對燃油效率較佳車輛及車輛環保駕駛手法,透過公開管道提供消費者更廣泛的有用資訊(如出版車輛油耗指南、建置車輛油耗查詢網站、車輛環保駕駛資訊網等)
- 以市場導向方式影響消費者選購燃油效率較佳車輛(如以稅費方式鼓勵民眾選購省油車輛)
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