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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 施慶隆、解子葳
Abstract: Visual object tracking is used for identifying the trajectory of moving objects in video frame sequences. Object tracking involves intensive computation in order to extract real-time and high speed rate information from high-volume video data with low power consumption. The motivation of this work is to develop a real-time visual feedback-based motion control system. We have experimentally verified that a ball-and-beam balance control system can be achieved with only visual feedback information. The ball-and-beam balance control consists of an inner loop PI controller for regulating the beam angular position and an outer loop fuzzy logic controller to balance control of the ball position to maintain stationary near the center position of the beam. The implemented control system integrates all functions of visual feedback and controller design based on a single FPGA chip for parallel processing, fast computation speed, small volume and easy system integration. The experimental results show that the integration of real-time visual feedback and control system design based on FPGA works well for a ball-and-beam balance control task.
Keywords:Ball-and-Beam Balance Control, Visual Feedback, Fuzzy Logic Control
基於動態影像分析的移動物體偵測與運動軌跡追蹤問題可簡述如下:首先偵測出動態影像中可疑的移動物體之影像區塊(object detection),接著由移動物體的顏色、形狀或其他特徵進行移動物體的分類(object classification),然後再記錄與追蹤特定移動物體的運動軌跡與位置(object tracking) [2]。分析動態影像之三個重要步驟為偵測移動物體的影像區域、移動物體的辨識與分類以及追蹤移動物體的運動軌跡及估算位置與速度,其中以移動物體影像的偵測為關鍵步驟,因為後面兩個步驟倚賴它的偵測結果。由於在本案之滾球及球桿平衡控制機構之動態影像的移動物體相對地單純,因此移動物體影像的偵測為取得控制系統位移回授訊息的核心步驟。為了簡化影像處理演算法,本案以顏色分類法計算出球桿的傾斜角度以及滾球的位置。
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年08月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)