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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 廖子毅
Abstract: On the operations of the wind turbine, the continuous improvement of operational efficiency and maintaining wind turbine health are very important, which will directly affect the success rate of reaching return on investment. The application of nacelle remote sensing anemometer has relatively high feasibility because there is no need to interfere with the wind turbine control. The existing laser Doppler wind measurement technology still have room for improvement to reduce the wind turbine yaw error. The main direction of simplification and increasing system reliability should eventually replace the existing anemometer. New forms / principle of crosswind detection technology development are still evolving, perhaps not limited to the known laser and ultrasound technologies, and it can be assured that their applications will not be limited to the wind industry.
Keywords:Nacelle, Laser Wind Measurement, Yaw Error
台灣地區綠色能源開發以太陽能、風能為主,特別是風力發電,設備機組技術已十分成熟,隨著機組大型化與新設場址,裝置容量逐年增加,累計至103年已達63萬千瓦(台電, 我國再生能源概況[1])。但是大型風力機是資本密集產業,一部風力機投資金額在新台幣八千萬至一億元之間,投資成功與否全賴財務計畫之執行風險,因此如何能降低風力機危害、提高效率,是非常重要之工作。
風力機之效率可視為機械效率與控制策略之綜合結果,其中機械效率為動力傳輸(power train)之範疇,相關性能參數皆在設計定型之時已固定,並無額外之改善空間,但是控制策略受風力機與環境風場交互影響,不同之量測結果與對應策略會極大的影響風力機產出。現有風力機控制是以設備保全為首要前提,追求風力機在安全條件下能有最大輸出,但若是在外部風況變動之情況下,過於保守之操作會直接損失發電量,此外錯誤之風場量測(如風向)會產生迎風角(yaw)誤差,也會直降低風力機效率,此二者皆可藉由提高風場量測精度而獲得改善。
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