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Abstract: Induction motors are usually applied for driving the spindle in a machine tool. The control of induction motor can be categorized into scalar control and vector control. The scalar control method is commonly known as the V/F control. The V/F control is an open-loop system which is simple to apply, but could have extra energy loss due to the incapability of controlling the electromagnetic torque and flux. Vector control is different from the scalar control in that it uses the Park and Clarke transform to turn the complex three-phase coordinate system into the d-q axis coordinate system. The d-q transform technique can decouple electromagnetic torque and flux and thus achieve independent control. However, even using the vector control method to control the induction motor could have quite different results if the different d axis current command is selected. Here the q axis current command is generated from the velocity loop and d axis current command is user-defined. Therefore, this paper proposes how to set the appropriate d-axis current command so that the induction motor can get better efficiency and maximum acceleration. In digital control, the EtherCAT is popular for digital communication. In this research, we will explain how to integrate EtherCAT in the driver system.
Keywords:Induction Motor, Vector Control, Efficiency Optimization
在工業界中,交流馬達常被應用來驅動各種負載系統,並廣泛的應用在各領域,例如:工具機、自動化工業、電動車等,而交流馬達又可分為永磁同步馬達(permanent magnet synchronous motor, PMSM)及感應馬達(ac induction motors, ACIM)兩種,感應馬達因為價格相對比永磁同步馬達便宜,此外還有不需要永久磁鐵、結構簡單、低維修率與高轉速時扭矩相對比永磁同步馬達高等優點,因此在許多工具機主軸馬達得選用上,大多採用感應馬達來驅動且數位控制為未來趨勢,簡易的配線,控制與資訊整合容易,成為未來的主流。
(1)純量控制:感應馬達的控制可分為純量控制與向量控制,傳統的感應馬達控制方法大多採用純量控制,其原理就是馬達在定量磁通鏈的運轉下,利用脈波寬度調變(pulse width modulation, PWM)控制變頻器輸出的電壓大小,間接的控制馬達的轉速,簡單來說就是由變頻器以開路控制方式達成,因此純量控制非常簡單,缺點是啟動轉矩較小、容易有多餘的能量損耗,並且無法獨立控制力矩與磁通。
(3)EtherCAT數位控制:EtherCAT中文名稱為「乙太網控制自動化技術」,CAT代表控制自動化技術(control automation technology),應用於自動化與工業控制領域。此技術採主(master)/從(slave)式架構並以乙太網(EtherNet)為基礎,經由標準的乙太網路連接方式與符合IEEE802.3標準的乙太網資料封包格式進行資料傳輸,主站(master)的主機控制器只需裝設標準乙太網路卡(network interface controller, NIC)即可運作,而從站(slave)之從屬設備則採專屬的硬體控制器晶片。其資料更新週期時間短、從站的微處理器不需處理封包,且可支援幾乎所有網路的拓撲。
回文章內容列表更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年11月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)