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作者 葉錦清
摘要:美國材料試驗協會(American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM)綜合研究學者將積層製造(3D列印)分成七大類型技術,而這七大類型技術中,有四種技術是以雷射光為製造的核心。從產值來看,雷射相關的製程設備占3D列印整體產值約60%。雷射不僅可做傳統的減法製造而且可以做加法製造,在材料的使用性而言,可以用在塑膠、金屬、陶瓷的3D列印。由於雷射光的特性,直接製造金屬模具或者是金屬零組件變成可行,不僅擴大了3D列印的應用範圍,也強化了3D列印的應用深度。美國太空總署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA)與通用電氣(General Electric, GE)都使用雷射3D列印製程,生產航太用關鍵零組件;甚至是複雜的異形水路模具也是使用雷射3D列印製程來達成。
Abstract: The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) converged idea from many scholars and classified additive manufacturing (3D printing) into seven types of technologies. There are four technologies based on laser light. Laser-related equipment accounted for about 60% of overall production value of 3D printing processes. Lasers not only can do traditional subtractive manufacturing but also can do additive manufacturing. The materials used in 3D printing can be plastic, metal, ceramic and so on. Due to the nature of the laser light, direct manufacturing of metal molds or metal components becomes feasible, not only expanding the scope of application of 3D printing, but also strengthening the application of the depth of 3D printing. NASA and GE use laser 3D printing processes, producing key components for aerospace usage, and even achieve complex mold shaped waterway also using laser 3D printing processes.
Keywords:Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Powder Bed Fusion
美國材料試驗協會於2009年將過去稱為:快速原型(rapid prototyping, RP)/快速製造(rapid manufacturing, RM) / 3DP (3D Printer)等說法,正名稱為積層製造(additive manufacturing, AM),並成立技術委員會訂定其相關標準[1]。美國材料試驗協會綜合研究學者將積層製造分成七大類型,包含:光聚合固化(vat photopolymerization, VP)技術、材料噴塗成型(material jetting, MJ)技術、黏著劑噴塗成型(binder jetting, BJ)技術、材料擠製成型(material extrusion, ME) 技術、粉體熔化成型(powder bed fusion, PBF)技術、疊層製造成型(sheet lamination, SL)技術與直接能量沉積(directed energy deposition, DED)技術。
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