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日本一直是採用超精密CFP(cold forging progressive)工程化革新技術深化領先者,以汰換掉材料步留率較低或是製程時間較長的加工製法,改由具可批量成形生產製程系統開發,也於近年開始導入了複合加工製程概念。尤其伴隨難成形的材料導入,加工荷重與加工應變相對嚴苛許多,甚至有些已超過金屬材料的成形極限。因此,本文欲導入塑性成形複合電化學製程的概念,利用此複合製程的結合,採用卷對卷的共通串接方式,以克服原有採用單一傳統金屬成形的製程極限,使其具有量產化之可能。
Abstract: An important global trend in electronics information products is the development of multi-functions, thinning and miniaturization. As the results, the related devices and components become more precise as well. The advantages of micro stamping forming technology are high mass production, low costs and stable quality. In application to the production of micro parts, this technology could satisfy the considerable demands of the market. In recent years, Japan has begun to use micro stamping forming technology instead of conventional precision forming technologies such as cold forging progressive (CFP). However, the loading and strain strength of high-strength metal shall still extend to the limitation of metal forming by the single process such as the said process. Hence, this study proposes a new compound process that solves the limitations on metal forming.
Keywords:Plastic Forming, Hybrid Process, Stainless Steel Sheets, Electro Chemical Machining
圖2是國外高溫超導體公司SuperPower [2],採用多道次的拋光設備與清洗裝置兩種製程的複合串連,藉由前後端的入、收料的卷對卷方式,完成該高溫超導體的板材成品加工。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)