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作者 蕭瑞聖
為追求電動車輛安全性、舒適性與便利性,車載電氣系統不斷地增加且更複雜化,特別是因應今後精簡化與創新設計,如小型化(downsized)引擎、高效率電動馬達、電控轉向系統、電動化底盤系統、電動車輛48 V電壓系統與線傳控制系統(x-by-wire)等、高性能化與提昇搭載自由度,電動化的需求將越來越殷切,電動車輛將衍生大量電動化動力系統零組件應用,為汽車零組件產業開創新一波商機。
Abstract: In response to carbon reduction, new energy vehicles and electric vehicles are the focus of future vehicle development, whether it is new energy vehicles or electric vehicles, automotive applications, increased usage of power electronic components in automobiles, or the rising standard of electric power components requirements. Even though traditional machinery based components have been developed in order to be efficiently controlled through electronics, for the purpose of streamlining and lightweighting and in response to vehicle electrification, some components had to be redesign or redeveloped to meet the demand. While corresponding vehicle system power consumption increases, the application of energy efficient electric vehicle electrical component also focus on the development of components.
In pursuit of electric vehicle safety, comfort and convenience, automotive electrical systems are constantly increasing and becoming more complex, especially in response to future streamlining and innovative design, such as small engine (downsized), high efficiency electric motors, electric steering systems, motorized chassis systems, electric vehicle 48-V voltage systems and by-wire control system (x-by-wire) and so on. With better performance and enhanced carrying freedom, electrification demand will continue increasing fervently, and electric vehicles will be derived from a large number of electric power system components and applications, and for the auto parts industry, this will open up a new wave of opportunities.
Keywords:Power Train, Electrification, Lightweight, Start/Stop
例如為節約能源,電動車輛搭配48-V電壓系統,設計自動啟閉系統(start & stop),設計整合式起動馬達與發電機(integrated starter & generator, ISG),同時藉由高電壓零組件設計,使搭配的零組件如IC半導體因此承受較低電流,可以降低成本,周邊附屬零組件得以簡單化,整合式啟動馬達與發電機可於怠速與煞車時做能量回充動作,有效減少能源消耗,本文擬就電動車輛動力系統零組件發展趨勢做簡要性敘述,提供廠商布局市場參考。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2016年01月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)