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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
作者 黃仲宏
隨著技術的持續進步和全球的數位化趨勢,半導體工業已成為產業的核心。從智慧手機到雲資料中心,再到汽車和各種物聯網設備,半導體技術都發揮著至關重要的作用。隨著製程技術節點的不斷縮小,對晶片的性能要求日益增加,這使得半導體製程中的高精度檢測技術變得關鍵。現今的半導體工業面臨著巨大的挑戰和機會,人工智慧、高效能運算、高效能推理、高效能通訊等之所需的晶片,臺灣已具製造的完整生態系與AI晶片的製程技術,包括先進晶片的開發,臺灣的晶片製造業者將有一定的供給能力。不過我們也看到日美德等國家在半導體製程領域的急起直追,在這個競爭激烈的環境中,提高生產效率和產品品質是每家半導體製造商的首要任務。其中晶片自動光學檢測(Automated Optical Inspection, AOI)技術在製程中具有關鍵作用。AOI是一種利用光學技術進行圖像分析來檢測產品缺陷的技術,從電子製造到半導體,AOI在各個製造領域已有廣泛的應用,隨著人工智慧技術的不斷發展,AOI系統變得愈來愈高效能,它們能夠應對不斷變化的製造要求,支援更多複雜的檢測任務。此外AOI與工業自動化和物聯網技術的整合也不斷增加,提供了更多資料和分析選項,進一步提高了生產過程的視覺化自動化控制。
The semiconductor industry has become the core of the industry with the continuous advancement of technology and the global trend of digitization. From smartphones to cloud data centers, to automobiles and various Internet of Things devices, semiconductor technology plays a crucial role. As process technology nodes continue to shrink, the demands on wafer performance are increasing, making high-precision inspection technology in the semiconductor process critical. Today's semiconductor industry is facing huge challenges and opportunities in AI(artificial intelligence), high-performance computing, high-performance reasoning, high-performance communication and other chips required, Taiwan has a complete ecosystem of manufacturing and AI chip process technology. We assess that Taiwan's wafer makers will be able to supply innovative wafers with advanced heterogeneous integrated packaging technologies (e.g., small-chip integrated packaging modules, silicon photonics, etc.), as well as innovative wafers with heterogeneous integrated microelectromechanical sensing technologies, and wafer-level processes up to 0.35 μm (inclusive). However, we also see that Japan, the U.S., Germany and other countries are catching up in the semiconductor manufacturing process field. In this competitive environment, improving production efficiency and product quality is the primary task of every semiconductor manufacturer. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) technology plays a key role in this process, AOI is a technology that utilizes optical technology to analyze images to detect defects in products, AOI has been widely used in various manufacturing fields from electronics to semiconductors. With the continuous development of AI, AOI systems are becoming more and more efficient, and they are able to cope with the ever-changing manufacturing requirements and support more complex inspection tasks. In addition, the integration of AOI with industrial automation and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies continues to grow, providing more data and analysis options to further enhance automated visualization and control of production processes.
半導體檢測主要是在製程與產品產出的過程中,進行材料、結構分析、可靠度測試等,確保品質後再量產,因此提供量檢測技術的企業,其成長動能來自於半導體廠投產的力道與新製程的推進,也就是說半導體廠若積極投入新製程開發,就會不斷有量檢測分析的需求。我們觀察到半導體製程進入N3、N2世代(3奈米、2奈米),要以現有商業量檢測設備滿足前段製程之量測與檢驗已面臨挑戰,不論是光學或電子束,特別是要滿足即時3D GAA (Gate-All-Around)結構的量檢測需求。目前N5、N7、N3、N2,在GAA前段製程量檢測的技術挑戰包括線寬/距、側壁傾斜角、Etch Back(回蝕)、Inner Spacer(內隔離層)…等。
在半導體工業中,目前高精度檢測技術發展主要包括光學檢測、電子顯微鏡、電氣性能檢測、散射和反散技術、奈米探針技術等等。這些技術或設備將對晶圓和晶片進行檢查、識別缺陷;包括顆粒污染、劃痕、蝕刻殘留、膜層不均勻等。以無圖形缺陷檢測(Non-patterned Defect Inspection)、有圖形缺陷檢測(Patterned Defect Inspection)以及光罩檢測(Reticle Inspection)的檢測類型和目前應用在表1列出半導體製造過程中,主要使用的檢測技術和設備。
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