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- 歷史雜誌
作者 周信宏、龔應時
摘要:本文主要發展以FPGA為基礎之多軸伺服驅動系統。首先,將推導多軸伺服系統之數學模式及其控制器設計。其次,以Altera公司發展具有可嵌入一顆軟核心Nios II處理器之FPGA晶片來開發多軸伺服控制晶片。此晶片內含有兩個模組。第一個模組為Nios II處理器,以軟體方式來發展點對點運動軌跡規劃,而第二個模組,以數位硬體方式來實現多軸位置/速度/電流控制器。後者採用兩種設計方法。一種方法為各軸獨立設計,另一種方法為多軸共同模組設計。後者將多軸的電流控制器與座標轉換電路及多軸的位置/速度控制器電路,各自以一個共同模組實現,以達到節省硬體資源的目的。接著,VHDL將用來描述多軸伺服控制器的行為。最後,為了驗證多軸伺服驅動器之有效性,利用六軸關節型機械手臂及晶圓移載用機械手臂作為驗證載體,證實多軸伺服驅動器之正確性。
Abstract: A multi-axis motion controller based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) technology is developed in this paper. Firstly, a multi-axis motion system is presented and the servo controller design is described. Secondly, an Altera FPGA chip and an embedded soft-core Nios II processor are used to develop the multi-axis motion controller. The proposed FPGA-based multi-axis motion control IC has two modules. The first module is an embedded soft-core Nios II processor which is used to realize the motion trajectory planning by software. The second module is presented to realize the multi-axis position/speed/current controllers by hardware. For the second module, two approaches are proposed which one is individual-axis isolated design approach and another is multi-axis module design approach. In the latter, it will collect multiple CCCT (Current vector controller and coordination transformations) circuits or multiple position/speed controller circuits into one circuit. Therefore, it can substantially reduce hardware resource usage in FPGA. Thirdly, VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is applied to describe the overall multi-axis controller behavior. Finally, in order to verify the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed multi-axis motion control IP, a six-axis articulated robotic arm and a three-axis wafer handling robot arm are constructed and some experimental results are presented.
Keywords:FPGA, Robotic Arms, Multi-Axis Servo Control Chip
目前工業機器人的多軸驅動器皆由一軸一個模組組成多軸控制。較少數使用多軸一體驅動器,因此本文利用FPGA實現多軸驅動器,藉以整合多軸伺服控制,包含位置、速度與電流迴路…等,藉以實現驅動器All in one,減少成本與體積,增加工業機器人的競爭力。
本文所提以FPGA為基礎建構之多軸伺服驅動系統如圖1所示。此系統可應用於XYZ平台、工業用機械手臂、晶圓移載用機械手臂等。在圖1之FPGA晶片內包括兩個IP (智財),一個為Nios II處理器IP而另一個為多軸伺服控制IP。Nios II 處理器IP負責需彈性之程序且不需快速運算,例如點對點運動軌跡產生及動態性能響應資料收集等。多軸伺服控制IP負責n個伺服控制模組,而每個模組將執行位置迴路之P控制器、速度迴路之PI控制器電路、電流迴路磁場導向控制器(field oriented control, FOC)與座標轉換電路、空間向量脈波調變電路(space vector pulse width modulation, SVPWM)及絕對式編碼器介面電路等功能。因此多軸伺服控制器可在一顆FPGA內實現。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2016年05月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)