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摘要:本文介紹將電紡絲技術應用於積層製造技術上,可將高分子材料列印至更微小圖案化線寬,利用有限元素分析法對不同的電紡噴頭尺寸、工作距離與收集板大小,進行電場模擬分析,模擬結果顯示,改變針徑對於針底到收集板之間的電場影響程度最大,針徑越小,電場強度越大。當針徑上升時,電場最大值的位置會往收集板方向移動,而改變針長則不會影響電場最大值位置。若改變收集板大小,對於針底至收集板之間的電場並沒有明顯影響,其原因為針底到收集板間工作距離甚短(約3 mm),使得針底電場不會受到收集板外側之金屬影響,本研究依據電紡噴頭電場模擬結果,固定靜電噴頭尺寸,將探討操作電壓、流量、收集板移動速度等因素對產物線寬的影響,並進行網格狀圖案化電紡積層製造列印。
Abstract: Electrospinning technology was used to print polymer materialswith a fine diameter. Finite element analysis method was used to simulate the electric field distribution on different electrical spinning needle size, working distance, and the collector size. The simulation results show that needle diameter significantly affects the electric field between the needle end to the collector. When the needle diameter is smaller, the electric field is larger. As the needle diameter increases, the position of the maximum electric field moves toward the collector. The simulation results also show that the needle length does not affect the position of the maximum electric field, and the size of the collector does not change the electric field distribution between the needle end and the collector. When the working distance between the needle end and the collector approximates 3 mm, the electric field of the needle end is unaffected outside of the collector. The electric field simulation results for the electrospinning needle show that the diameter is affected by the operating voltage, flow, and collector moving speed. Finally, all the parameters were used as patterning additive manufacturing.
Keywords:Electrospinning, Additive Manufacturing, Fused Deposition Modeling
熔融沉積成型技術(fused deposition modeling, FDM)為積層製造技術一種,此技術由美國的Scout Crump所發明,1989在美國明尼蘇達州創立Stratasys Inc.公司,此公司為該技術的領導廠商。FDM的特點機械結構簡單,設計也最容易,製造成本、維護成本和材料成本也最低,因此是桌上型3D印表機中使用得最多的技術,FDM材料在韌度、靜電消散、半透明度、生物相容性、抗紫外線性具備獨有的屬性,適合航空、汽車、醫療與組織工程支架製作。目前市面上桌上型熔融沉積技術印表機噴嘴孔徑0.4 mm,列印線寬約為400 μm,工業級的噴嘴為0.2 mm,其列印線寬可到200 μm,雖然噴嘴孔徑愈小可列印愈小線寬,但噴嘴愈小,在列印過程容易造成噴嘴阻塞,因此若要製作尺寸更微小的產品有其限制。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2016年02月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)