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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
Abstract: As for choosing machine tools, one generally takes into account various static specifications such like spindle/servo rated speed and torque, workspace, and machining accuracy. Furthermore, for describing the machine ability, the working time on specific workpieces is usually measured. However, due to different mechanical designs of machine tools, it may not be able to completely depict the dynamic behavior through the specific workpiece. This paper introduces the concepts of Fourier analysis and spectrum analysis into the machine tool field. They are used as a tool to evaluate and test the ability of a machine tool and measure the suitability of the machine drive setting. Moreover, the paper gives a fair dynamic measuring specification for evaluating and comparing dynamic abilities between machine tools.
Keywords:Fourier Transform, Spectrum Analysis, System Identification
傅立葉變換這一概念是由法國學者約瑟夫‧傅立葉(Joseph Fourier)所提出的,其核心想法為:對一任意的時變函數,皆能找到特定一組弦波,並且可由該組弦波疊和為原來的函數,此外該組弦波可以稱之為該函數的頻譜。整個將時變函數轉換為頻譜的動做我們稱之為傅立葉變換。由於傅立葉變換具有線性特性,其頻譜與原始時變函數之間具有一對一與映成關係,因此對於頻譜的觀察與分析就相當於是對原始訊號的觀察與分析,也因為這個特性,我們可以透過傅立葉變換將時變函數上不易觀察到的變化,藉由觀察轉換後的頻譜來進行分析,進一步去分析訊號產生了哪些變化。
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