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- 歷史雜誌
Abstract: The goal of this proposal is to develop a torque control system and the associated control software for a robotic screw driver with a brush or brushless motor, which is suitable for the precision assembly work for miniature electronic products. The proposed system will implement current monitoring techniques to precisely control the applied torque to reach the specified level; and at the same time smoothly decelerate the motor to reduce the impact force once the required torque is reached. The screw driver controller will be equipped with a serial interface to receive commands to change the torque and velocity settings in real time in order to tighten screws with different torque requirements. Furthermore, torque and displacement data can be sent by the controller as required by a process control system to monitor the quality of the automation task. We focus on high-speed force feedback control and simulation tools in our initial plan, then take advantage of the use of mechatronics; the force sensing module, which is embedded in our locking unit, shows the strength in the integrated strategy of estimator and verification platform through laboratory simulation. The final result can provide domestic automation equipment manufacturers a quick method to integrate and expand their industrial applications. Completion controller manufacturers can increase the performance of their original product line for the electronics assembly industry in terms of workstations, which can be assembled with a better quality at a lower cost.
Keywords:Electric Screw Driver, Embedded Systems, Angular Displacement Control, Torque Control
近年來可穿戴式裝置快速發展,放大了市調機構對於可穿載設備市場前景的預測。根據市場研究機構IDC的最新報告指出,新供應商、新產品以及更多終端使用者的認知,將推動2015年全球可穿戴式裝置市場進一步擴張,估計出貨量可達4,570萬台,較2014年的1,960萬台成長133.4 %;到2019年,整體可穿戴式裝置市場出貨量估計進一步擴張至1.261億台,其五年間的複合年平均成長率(CAGR)為45.1 %。現今精密電子產品通常會具有短小輕薄、少量多樣的特性,自動化設備商如欲搶佔此一市場先機,需突破傳統以人工裝配的方式,使生產線更具彈性。以智慧型手機或平板電腦的螺絲鎖附為例,若欲以市售半自動手持工具的方式來因應多層板之間的人工鎖附,會因不同電子零件存在不一樣的受力容忍度,零件日趨微型化的趨勢而無法給予適當力量大小,造成工件及孔位遭到破壞。因此如何精確、快速的控制扭力大小並即時回傳製程參數以提供後續品質檢測,將會是一項很重要的課題。為解決上述需求,本研究初期將投入研發能量於無感測器的扭力控制及模擬驗證,利用機電整合優勢,嵌入感測模組於鎖附單元,並在控制策略中融入力量估測器,透過dSPACE驗證平台之模擬,提供國內自動化設備商能快速整合,並得以擴大產業的應用範圍。所完成之控制器對於製造廠商可增加原有產品線的性能,對於電子裝配業而言可以得到低成本的工作站與更佳的裝配品質。
市面上常見的自動鎖附工具分為氣動螺絲起子與電動螺絲起子兩種,氣動螺絲起子雖有同樣重量體積下輸出功率大、速度和輸出功率易調節等優點,但其驅動需要氣壓源,且通常輸出扭矩的變動彈性較小,因此不適合用於具高適應性的精密組裝產業。目前國產電動螺絲起子 (如圖1所示) [1-3],主要針對以人工鎖緊螺絲的裝配工作而開發。通常為有刷馬達驅動、採用機械式扭力限制離合器 (torque limit) 控制最大鎖緊扭力,並透過機械式按鈕控制。近年來為提高效率與耐用度,動力源逐漸改採無刷直流馬達。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年08月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)