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摘要:有機朗肯循環(Organic Rankine Cycle,ORC)之工作原理係利用合適的有機工作流體,即能在兼顧效率與經濟效益下,將中低溫熱能轉換為電力輸出。ORC屬於密閉式循環系統,主要元件為泵、蒸發器、膨脹器、發電機組及冷凝器。由於工作流體僅與冷熱源透過熱交換器進行能量交換,因此系統具備可靠度高、維修少和壽命長等優點。工研院自2009年起開始發展小型ORC機組,並陸續建置數台示範機組,期能達到節能減碳與經濟效益雙重成果,本研究設計並開發20 kW級螺桿膨脹機ORC系統,本機組採用R134a作為工作流體。藉由系統分析及系統性能測試結果,研發成果可直接應用於低溫工業廢熱、地熱/溫泉、生質熱能及太陽熱能發電,可促成國內低溫發電產業。
Abstract: An organic Rankine cycle (ORC) consists of a pump, evaporator, condenser, expander and generator. Using a low boiling-point organic working fluid, an ORC can convert low-grade heat into power. This energy exchange process proceeds though only the heat exchange between working fluid, cold source and heat source. Therefore, the ORCs give high thermodynamic efficiency and promising economic profit. Screw expander ORC has a wide operation range and delivers stable power output. It can be used for heat energy conversion to electricity from waste heat, geothermal, biomass, and solar thermal energy. In this research, a 20-kW ORC system using R134a as the working fluid was designed and built for low-grade waste heat recovery. The performance and experimental results were explored in this research and the results could be used as the basis of future practical applications.
Keywords:Industrial Waste Heat, Organic Rankine Cycle, Low Grade Heat to Power
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年10月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)