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- 歷史雜誌
作者 林穎毅
摘要:近年來台灣光電產業的總產值大約都維持在2兆新台幣的規模,約有675億美元,佔有全球光電產業12 %之佔有率,持續在全球高科技市場佔有一席之地。然而台灣光電產業的成長動能已經難以如2010年之前的強勁,無論LED元件與照明、太陽光電、平面顯示器等三大主要產業皆僅能維持既有的規模。這顯示台灣光電產業若要再度成長,則必須轉型,或得另開闢新興市場,甚至改變既有的商業模式。這些策略方向可能包括了開發利基型應用、前進新興市場,或走向提供解決方案的服務型商業模式
Abstract: In recent years, the total revenue of Taiwan photonics industry remained at the scale of 68 billion U.S. dollars, or 12 % of the worldwide market. Nowadays, the growth momentum of Taiwan photonics industry was not as strong as the period before 2010. If industries involving LED components & lighting modules, photovoltaic (solar panel), and LCD panel would like to create the next growth stage, these three major industries in the photonics fields have to make transitions and changes to their business model. Available strategies, for example, include developing niche applications instead of competing in mainstream applications, and to enter emerging markets instead of staying in mature markets or to offer total solution as a service instead of remaining mass production oriented.
Keywords:LED, Flat Panel Display, FPD, Photovoltaic, PV
2014年台灣光電產業總產值達2兆468億新台幣,與2013年持平,換算約674億美元,佔有全球光電產業5,766億美元產值約12 %之譜,持續在全球高科技市場佔有一席之地。展望未來3年,全球光電市場在新應用的挹注之下,仍將持續穩健成長,在科技產業中居於中流砥柱的地位。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年06月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)