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Abstract:The demand for lightweight materials for vehicles will be expected to grow dramatically in response to European and American fuel economy and strict carbon emission regulations. As such the use of composite materials will gradually increase. Composite materials can be divided into two categories, namely thermoplastic and thermoset composite materials. Thermoplastic composite materials can be recycled and reused. It is expected that the thermoplastic market will expand due to environment-related concerns, demands for mass production and cost reduction.
The thermoplastic material is melt processable. It will liquefy when enough heat is added and solidify when the temperature drops below its melt point. This process is reversable. Thermoplastic can be shaped and molded easily due to above mentioned features. Considering the fact that the metal is superior to thermoplastic in hardness, joining of thermoplastics and metals in hybrid design for lightweight constructions are being increasingly employed in industry. This paper introduces the technology of thermoplastic forming and joining process. Recent research and development of MIRDC in this area have been demonstrated.
Keywords:Fiber reinforced thermoplastic, Forming, Joining
因應歐美燃料經濟與嚴苛之碳排法規,未來車用輕量化材料比重可預期將逐年成長,碳纖複材用量將漸次提升,全球2011年碳纖複材需求量約4.1萬噸、2020年預估達11.2萬噸,目前日系碳纖大廠 (Toray 、 Teijin、 Mitsubishi Rayon)全球產量佔比達67% ,穩居全球市佔率第一位。
目前國際汽車大廠相繼投資碳纖量產開發,GM與Toho 2011年簽署協議,使用創新的CFRTP技術來量產碳纖車,減輕車體重量;Ford與Dow化學公司2012年合作開發CFRTP零件,預期十年內降低車體340kg的重量。如下介紹應用,日本之帝人集團(teijin)在2011年3月Teijin首次發表成功應用CFRTP於電動車之骨架試作開發,率先擁有世界最快速(60~80 Sec)之成形量產技術, 2016年3月8~ 10日於法國巴黎複材展 如圖1所示,車身框架重量僅為47公斤,為現有鐵質框架車身重量的五分之一,兩名成年人可輕鬆抬起。
圖1 以熱塑複材碳纖維材料所製造之概念車(teijin)
另外豐田在2014年底所推出之氫燃料電池車Mirai,如圖2所示,在stack frame部分使用到碳纖維熱塑複材(CFRTP),其儲氫罐及燃料電池組件也採用日本TORAY公司之碳纖維產品,在豐田原廠先前預估直至2017年底,Mirai全球的銷售量期望達到5,700輛,而在2018年初,在美國加州累積銷量達3000輛以上。Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting預估,到了2030年,日本燃料電池車的銷售量有望攀升至40萬台。未來,全球CFRTP應用重點,將由飛機零組件轉向汽車及民生普及方向應用。
圖2 碳纖維複材強化之豐田量產車Mirai(Toyota)
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2018年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)