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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
作者 陳志強、黃美玲
Abstract: With the evolution of information-based, aging and isolated social structure, intelligent robotics is booming into one of the future leading industries. Many advanced economies have endeavored to develop intelligent robotics and are fervent to create their own niche for grasping business opportunities. For instance, the U.S. is the pioneer in the field of AI, Japan is adept in intelligent control, while Europe is excellent in system integration of technology.
Korea has started to invest in robotic technology through the “Next-Generation Industry” policy in 2003. Specifically, Korea combined its strength in IT technology and broadband network infrastructure with the strategies of “IT 839” and “U-Korea” to set up the “Ubiquitous Robotic Companion (URC)” project in which intelligent robot, digital content, and smart appliances are mutually developed.
In accordance to the "Intelligent Robot Development and Promotion Act", Korea launched her first and second five-year plans in 2009 and 2014, respectively. The former attempted to ameliorate the infrastructure environment for industry, while the latter concentrated on improving robotic technology as well as magnifying the synergy of related industries. In this report, we will stress the details of Koreas second five-year plan.
Keywords:Intelligent Robot, Industrial Convergence, Industrial Ecosystem
2000年後,韓國開始正式投入智慧型機器人產業發展,2001年推動「個人機器人基礎計畫開發計畫」,以開發個人機器人基礎技術並促進產業發展,目的是為邁入先進機器人技術市場做好準備。2003年,韓國政府提出「十大未來成長動力產業」政策,積極投入機器人技術開發,有鑑於技術落後歐美之現實,韓國在政策規劃上不做正面迎擊,反而是充份利用其IT技術與寬頻基礎環境的優勢,配合其「IT 839」(2003年)、「U-Korea」(2004年)等發展策略之推動(參見表1),建立具有特色之「無所不在機器人伴侶(URC)發展計畫」(2004年),將資源投入以網路為基礎的服務型機器人,並將智慧型機器人與數位內容、智慧家電等結合發展。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年01月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)