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在本文中,我們將解釋在Fagor Automation中所做的一些發展,以及第三方在實施CNC先進發展的所有可能性,克服等待著我們的新挑戰。

Abstract: CNC controllers have been used in machine tools for decades, but it is now, due to the industry 4.0 revolution, that CNC controllers are facing new challenging times.

Numerical controls today have access to a quantity of information never seen before. Machine tool manufacturers are increasingly installing numerous sensors into machines, but the integration of sensors by itself does not add any value to either the machine or the process. It is thanks to CNC that all this new information is available to improve the quality and efficiency of machining processes.

In addition, the 4.0 revolution has opened the door to the development of services developed by third companies that can be integrated into numerical controls.

In this article, we explain some of our developments at Fagor Automation, as well as the possibilities for third parties to implement advanced developments in our CNCs and to overcome the new challenges that await us.


Keywords:Mechatronic Model of Machine Tools, Structural Deformations, Optimum Control Strategy

The industry 4.0 revolution has emerged from the need to increase the precision, productivity and efficiency of machines in order to be more competitive in a globalized market. Two ways to achieve this goal have been the integration of additional sensors into machines and the advanced use of existing information.

That is why this revolution focuses on the acquisition, treatment and use of all accessible information from the productive processes that need to be optimized.

Historically, in a numerical control machine, the most common sensors were current and position sensors in the motors for controlling the movement of the axes, an external measurement system for increasing the precision of the parts and pressure and temperature sensors for controlling the auxiliary systems of the machine.

So far, each of these sensors has been used exclusively for its main function: i.e., if a motor had a current sensor, this information was used exclusively to close the driver's current loops. This concept of purely local information use has changed. In order to improve productivity and efficiency, all available information has to be shared between the different systems that integrate the machine tool. In this way, a control system with a global vision of the productive process can improve the process as a whole. Additionally, thanks to the reduction of costs and the miniaturization of sensors, the most advanced machine tools integrate more and more extra sensors, such as accelerometers, temperature sensors, force and many more.

So, numerical controls today have access to a quantity of information never seen before, but the integration of these sensors by itself does not add any value to either the machine or the process.

In order to take advantage of all available information, it is necessary to process information, analyze it and interact with the process in real time. This treatment of information implies that it is necessary to synchronize the reading of the different integrated sensors in the machine, to treat all the data in a global way and to act on the system in a few milliseconds. Here is where the role of CNC becomes important, because it will be the core of the process, due to its privileged access to all the information in real time, its ability to interact with the physical components of the machine and the possibility to integrate custom algorithms.

In order to fulfil all these requirements, the design of the various components of the system must be optimized so that they work together. That is why Fagor Automation offers a complete solution, from motors, heads, drivers, rules and encoders to numerical controls; only thus is it possible to reach the highest levels of precision and productivity.

However, not only is it necessary to centralize all the information from the sensors, to treat that information in real time and to interact with the system. It is equally important to know the mechanical behavior of the machine in order to optimize it. In recent years, there has been a great advance in the design of the various structural components of machines and it is possible to have models of their behavior in the digital design phase of a machine. If the electronics model is added to the mechanical model, we obtain a mechatronics model of the machine that will allow us to improve the accuracy of the parts produced.

更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2017年11月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)





