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- 歷史雜誌
作者 陳斌勇、張聰海、杜宗翰、陳素珍
Abstract:Autonomous driving technology is an undoubtedly important trend in the development of the global vehicle industry. There are many technical inputs from different applications such as private cars, taxis, public transportation buses, logistics vehicles, and other special vehicles. Under the global outbreak of the COVID-19, the demand for contactless self-driving logistics has launched a new operating model in the logistics industry. HCT Logistics and MMSL (Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Research Labs, MMSL) of ITRI cooperated with the “intra-regional self-driving direct delivery”self-driving logistics innovative operation model to replace the insufficient manpower of truck drivers, and to relieve the volume of goods in the logistics transshipment center. In the future, HCT Logistics hopes that it can be promoted to all business offices in Taiwan. Self-driving logistics is also one of the important focus service applications of the MMSL self-driving team. In the future, there are still many service applications to cooperate with domestic and international companies such as driverless delivery services in industrial parks, driverless delivery service in air-port/harbor and public transportation services, etc., to implement the industrial application of autonomous driving technology.
Keywords:Autonomous driving technology, Driverless, Logistics transportation
依IHS Research預測,全球自動駕駛量産汽車將於2025年上市,估計銷量初期可達60萬輛,到2035年自駕汽年銷量可達到2,100萬輛,其中北美市場占比達29%,中國大陸占比達24%,歐洲市場占比可達20%。而根據全球人工智慧投資加速平台創投公司Comet Labs的調查報告指出,截至2017年全球投入自動駕駛車領域廠商高達263家,且超過1,000家的新創公司投入在自駕車相關領域。另外根據Frost市調公司推估在2025年約有25%新車為自駕車,波士頓顧問(BCG)公司預測2025年自駕車市場產值約為420億美元,2035年具備自駕車功能的新車銷售數量約佔25%,且Intel與SA國際研究機構樂觀預測,在2050年全自動駕駛具有創造7兆美元「乘客經濟」市場發展潛力[1][2],因此可了解自駕車未來市場是一片榮景。
在物流運輸方面,近日隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展,物流運輸在電商平台與實體貨物中扮演重要樞紐的角色,電子商務的快速成長,帶動全球物流運輸需求持續增加。依據Frost & Sullivan估計,2025年將有8,000輛達SAE Level 4水準的自駕卡車上路,2035年可突破154,000輛。預期自駕物流產業的龐大商機,可加速自駕技術於物流業的落地實現與商業應用。國際上已有自駕物流測試驗證案例,多家大廠投入自駕物流車短程配送服務或自駕貨卡車隊公路運行測試,如:Waymo的自駕小型貨車及自駕卡車、Nuro自駕配送車、TuSimple自駕卡車…等;除一般物流運輸常見的的貨卡車外,也發展出多款新型態商用物流車,如何運用科技達成最快速的送給客戶,讓數位轉型成為產業的核心競爭力,加上全球在疫情爆發下,零接觸的自駕物流需求在物流業已展開了新的模式,如圖2。
圖1 全球新創自駕車團隊測試狀況
圖2 全球自駕物流測試運行車型及地區
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