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目前在OLED元件製程上,最關鍵之製程與設備技術在於有機奈米薄膜蒸鍍製程上,現今之點蒸鍍與線蒸鍍機台仍面臨材料利用率偏低與成本過高之瓶頸。工研院機械所提出創新概念之面型蒸鍍源技術,並以直接模擬蒙地卡羅法(DSMC)模擬分析設計,成功開發出面型蒸鍍驗證平台設備。以此新穎面型蒸鍍源設備技術成功驗證出,膜厚不均勻度<± 5 %,且材料利用率可達70 %,並成功置換HTL層,製作出高演色指數> 80之OLED元件。
Abstract: Currently the global lighting revenue is 3 trillion NTD, and the display revenue is also as much as 3 trillion NTD. Both of them reach 4 trillion NTD in the future, and the total revenue will be as much as 8 trillion NTD. OLED lighting devices are a plane-type light source. Their characteristics are low power consumption, flexible and can be adjusted depending on design requirements such as color rendering and color temperature. Many outstanding characteristics are presented on the AMOLED display, such as excellent picture quality, full-color, wide angle, fast response, low power consumption, and light. OLED devices will disrupt the global lighting and display industry that with a total 5 trillion NTD revenue, as long as the technology is mature in the future, the device cost is reduced, and the device lifetime is increased.
Nowadays, the key process and equipment technology of OLED device production is organic nano-thin-film deposition process technology. The organic material utilization and the thickness non-uniformity of thin-film are the most important issues in organic light-emitting diode (OLED) device fabrication. The production bottleneck of the traditional point source and linear source is the low material utilization rate and the high costs of production. The innovative concept of equipment by using plane-type evaporation source for applications in the field of thin-film deposition was proposed by MSL/ITRI. A deposition verification platform for manufacturing the OLED device by using direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) design method was successfully developed. The plane-type evaporation source system sustained an organic thin film thickness non-uniformity of less than ± 5% and provided high material utilization of over 70 %. The CRI of the OLED device is 80 at 1,000 cd/m2 by replacing the HTL layer which was successfully manufactured by the plane-type evaporation source system.
Keywords:Plane-type evaporation, OLED, DSMC
由於三星AMOLED手機的上市推出,使得OLED技術的商品化與量產化,不再是遙不可及。再從照明市場來看,目前白熾燈已有多國逐漸禁用,而LED不斷開發,逐漸取代現有的白熾燈、螢光燈市場,惟美中不足的是LED為點光源,且光的品質並無法完全讓人接受。反觀OLED則為面光源、擴散且柔和,非常適合人眼,若能突破目前元件產品成本過高與壽命過低的技術問題,則將大有可為。受到三星在AMOLED顯示技術上的突破發展,各國不斷投入相關技術研發,可預見OLED需求將會從手機、平板電腦,顯示器與電視機,進而至一般照明擴展開來。2010年全球OLED相關技術產業的產值達10億美元,比起2009年成長20 %。根據NPD DisplaySearch市場研究機構2012年統計,2011年全球OLED在面板顯示器產值估計約達40億美元,佔平面顯示器總產值約4 %,逐步擴大成長。預估到2018年,全球OLED在面板顯示器產值可望超過200億美元,全球OLED在照明應用的產值亦將達到60億美元。而LEDinside市場研究機構預測,2014年全球照明市場的產值將可達到約1080億美元,工研院IEK則預估2014年全球平面顯示器產值,將可達到約1050億美元,由此兩大產業不斷成長趨勢來看,OLED若能突破成本與壽命之瓶頸,必可快速侵入此兩大產業,前景可期。
OLED照明主要有三大優點,第一是優雅自然的面光源。其次是OLED照明提供穩定的光線,再則是相較其他技術,接近太陽光的光譜,最能讓使用者感到舒適自然(圖1) [1-3]。平面光源OLED製程中,設備折舊及材料佔目前製造成本(圖2)一半以上,其主要的原因為:一、蒸鍍設備昂貴,二、材料使用率低。因點蒸鍍源,真正使用在元件上的材料少於5 % [4,5],大部分都浪費在蒸鍍腔壁上,使得元件製作成本偏高,難與現有照明光源競爭;而目前在量產使用的線型蒸鍍源總材料利用率約在30 %以下,且大面積蒸鍍之設備需要多站傳輸進行,造成設備佔地空間大及成本高。故在大面積蒸鍍時,蒸鍍速率、均勻性及材料使用率,會是必須面對的問題。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2014年06月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)